- A multi-color bar chart with a gradient background color and soft lighting effects.

- A multi-color bar chart with a gradient background color and glass lighting effects.
- All axes are hidden and only the axis labels are shown.
- Note this chart is configured to be symmetrical. There are axis labels on both the left and right sides.

- A multi-color bar chart with a brushed silver background and cylindrical bars.
- Note this chart is configured to be symmetrical. There are axis labels on both the left and right sides.

- A percentage bar chart in which the bars are automatically scaled to stacked up to 100%.
- Note the legend keys contain icons. They are created using ChartDirector Mark Up Language (CDML).

- A percentage bar chart taken from a real life application.
- Note that x-axis labels. They are rotated by 45 degrees to avoid overlapping.

- A multi-bar chart configured to use different bar shapes for data series.
- Note the legend keys. They reflect both the shapes and the colors.

- A multi-bar chart configured to use cylindrical bars.

- A multi-bar chart configured with overlapping bars.

- The bar chart is colored using "zone colors". Zone colors are colors that changes abruptly at user-defined threshold positions.
- The background, bar and label colors of this chart uses three zone colors with thresholds at y = 0.

- A horizontal bar chart with axes and grid lines hidden. Data values are shown using text labels instead.
- Note the bars are gradient colored. The color changes smoothly from dark green on the left to white on the right.

- This chart is created using a bar layer and a box-whisker layer. The box-whisker layer is configured to show the whisker only, and this creates the marks.

- This chart demonstrates the mark and zone features of ChartDirector.
- The red, yellow and green background regions are user-defined zones. The "Alert" and "Watch" lines are user defined marks.
- The bars are configured with rasied borders and touch each others, so there are no gaps between bars.