- An area layer with a line layer on top. The area layer is semi-transparent so you can see the grid lines under it.

- A nicely designed area chart, using semi-transparent gradient color for the area region, on a brushed silver frame with a soft drop shadow.
- The chart title, axis title and logo are created using CDML, so they can contain icons.

- A percentage area chart, in which the areas are automatically scaled so they always stacked up to 100%.
- The legend keys are created using CDML, so they can contain icons.

- An area chart demonstrating the zone color feature of ChartDirector.
- Zone colors are colors that can change abruptly at user-defined threshold positions. In this chart, the area is filled with a zone color configured to change at y = 60.
- The chart title, axis title and logo are created using CDML, so they can contain icons.