- A surface chart with lighting effects. The smooth surface is created using spline surface fitting of the data points.

- A surface chart with continuous coloring and lighting effects, and with white contour lines and grey grid lines. The smooth surface is created using spline surface fitting of the data points.

- A surface chart created using scattered data (data points are randomly distributed rather than lying on a grid), with the vertical walls hidden.

- 4D Surface Chart : The data of this chart contain 4 components (x, y, z, w). The (x, y, z) are used to generate the surface, while w is visualized as the surface color.

- Surface Projection: The surface can be projected onto the XY plane to visualize the contour chart of the surface.

- Custom Lines, Zones and Symbols: You can add custom lines, zones and symbols to mark paths, regions and points on the surface.

- Custom Surface Texture: For maximum flexibility, you can overlay a custom image on the surface. With this method, you can color the surface in anyway you like.

- Dynamic Image as Texture: The texture image can be dynamically generated. In this example, a semi-transparent polar chart is overlaid on the surface.