ChartDirector 5.1 (PHP Edition)


The JsXYChart class represents XY charts in the Javascript Chart Model. The corresponding server side class is XYChart. JsXYChart objects can be obtained using JsChartViewer.getChart.

getAbsOffsetX(Self)Gets the x offset of the chart relative to the outermost MultiChart container.
getAbsOffsetY(Self)Gets the y offset of the chart relative to the outermost MultiChart container.
getPlotArea(Self)Gets the JsPlotArea object representing the plot area of the XYChart.
getLayer(Self)Gets a JsLayer object based on the order in which it is being added to the chart.
getLayerByZ(Self)Gets a JsLayer object based on the order in which it is being drawn.
getLayerCount(Self)Gets the number of layers in the chart.
xAxis(Self)Gets the JsAxis object representing the primary x-axis of the XYChart.
xAxis2(Self)Gets the JsAxis object representing the secondary x-axis of the XYChart.
yAxis(Self)Gets the JsAxis object representing the primary y-axis of the XYChart.
yAxis2(Self)Gets the JsAxis object representing the secondary y-axis of the XYChart.
getXCoor(Self)Gets the x pixel coordinate given the x data value.
getYCoor(Self)Gets the y pixel coordinate given the y data value.
getXValue(Self)Gets the x data value given the x pixel coordinate.
getYValue(Self)Gets the y data value given the y pixel coordinate.
getNearestXValue(Self)Gets the x data value that is nearest to the specified x pixel coordinate.
formatValue(Self)Formats a number/date using the ChartDirector formatting syntax as is in Parameter Substitution and Formatting.
setNumberFormat(Self)Sets the characters used for thousand separator, decimal point, and negative sign.
setMonthNames(Self)Sets the names of the months for date/time formatting purposes.
setWeekDayNames(Self)Sets the names of the week days for date/time formatting purposes.
setAMPM(Self)Sets the names to be used to denote morning and afternoon.