ChartDirector 5.1 (PHP Edition)


The JsLayer class represents data layers in the Javascript Chart Model. The corresponding server side class is Layer. JsLayer objects can be obtained using JsXYChart.getLayer or JsXYChart.getLayerByZ.

getDataSet(Self)Gets a JsDataSet object based on the order in which it is being added to the chart.
getDataSetByZ(Self)Gets a JsDataSet object based on the order in which it is being drawn.
getDataSetCount(Self)Gets the number of data sets in the layer.
getNearestXValue(Self)Gets the x data value that is nearest to the specified x pixel coordinate.
getXIndexOf(Self)Gets the data point index at the specified x data value.
getXPosition(Self)Gets the x positional value of a data point, as measured on the primary x-axis.