ChartDirector 5.1 (PHP Edition)


The JsAxis class represents axes in the Javascript Chart Model. The corresponding server side class is Axis. JsAxis objects can be obtained using JsXYChart.xAxis, JsXYChart.xAxis2, JsXYChart.yAxis, JsXYChart.yAxis2 or JsDataSet.getUseYAxis.

getX(Self)Gets the x-coordinate of starting point of the axis.
getY(Self)Gets the y-coordinate of starting point of the axis.
getAlignment(Self)Gets the side of the plot area that the axis is associated with.
getMinValue(Self)Gets the lower bound of the axis.
getMaxValue(Self)Gets the upper bound of the axis.
getLabel(Self)Gets the label at the specified position on the axis.
getFormattedLabel(Self)Gets the label at the specified position on the axis, formatting one if necessary.