ChartDirector 7.0 (Python Edition)

Class Library

This section describes the core ChartDirector classes.


pychartdir is the Python module for interface with ChartDirector. It includes all ChartDirector classes, general informational functions and predefined constants.

Fundamental Classes

BoxThe Box class represents boxes. It is used as the base class for more complex classes (such as the TextBox class).
TextBoxThe TextBox class represents text boxes. TextBox is a subclass of Box.
LineThe Line class represents straight lines.

General Charts

BaseChartThe BaseChart class is an abstract class containing methods that are common to all chart types.
ThreeDChartThe ThreeDChart class is an abstract class containing methods that are common to all true 3D chart types. ThreeDChart is a subclass of BaseChart.
MultiChartThe MultiChart class represents multi-charts. A multi-chart is a container to contain multiple charts. MultiChart is a subclass of BaseChart.
LegendBoxThe class LegendBox represents legend boxes. LegendBox is a subclass of TextBox.

Pie Charts Related

PieChartThe PieChart class represents pie charts. PieChart is a subclass of BaseChart.
SectorThe Sector class represents sectors.

XY Charts Related

XYChartThe XYChart class represents XY charts. It is a subclass of BaseChart.
PlotAreaThe PlotArea class represents plot areas in XY charts.
AxisThe Axis class represents x and y axes in XY charts
ColorAxisThe ColorAxis class represents the color axis in contour layers and surface charts. ColorAxis is a subclass of Axis.
MarkThe Mark class represents mark lines. Mark is a subclass of TextBox.
LayerThe Layer class is the base class for all XYChart layer classes.
BarLayerThe BarLayer class represents bar layers. BarLayer is a subclass of Layer.
LineLayerThe LineLayer class represents line layers. LineLayer is a subclass of Layer.
SplineLayerThe SplineLayer class represents spline layers. SplineLayer is a subclass of LineLayer.
StepLineLayerThe StepLineLayer class represents step line layers. StepLineLayer is a subclass of LineLayer.
TrendLayerThe TrendLayer class represents trend layers. TrendLayer is a subclass Layer.
InterLineLayerThe InterLineLayer class represents interline layers. InterLineLayer is a subclass of Layer.
ScatterLayerThe ScatterLayer class represents scatter layers. ScatterLayer is a subclass of Layer.
AreaLayerThe AreaLayer class represents area layers. AreaLayer is a subclass of Layer.
BaseBoxLayerThe BaseBoxLayer class is the base class for layers that uses isolated symbols to represent multiple data sets. These include BoxWhiskerLayer, HLOCLayer and CandleStickLayer. The BaseBoxLayer class is a subclass of Layer.
HLOCLayerThe HLOCLayer class represents high-low-open-close layers. HLOCLayer is a subclass of BaseBoxLayer.
CandleStickLayerThe CandleStickLayer class represents candlestick layers. CandleStickLayer is a subclass of BaseBoxLayer.
BoxWhiskerLayerThe BoxWhiskerLayer class represents box-whisker layers. BoxWhiskerLayer is a subclass of BaseBoxLayer.
VectorLayerThe VectorLayer class represents vector layers. VectorLayer is a subclass of Layer.
ContourLayerThe ContourLayer class represents contour layers. ContourLayer is a subclass of Layer.
DataSetThe DataSet class represents data sets.

Surface Charts Related

SurfaceChartThe SurfaceChart class represents surface charts. SurfaceChart is a subclass of ThreeDChart.

3D Scatter Charts Related

ThreeDScatterChartThe ThreeDScatterChart class represents 3D scatter charts. ThreeDScatterChart is a subclass of ThreeDChart.
ThreeDScatterGroupThe ThreeDSCatterGroup class represents a group of scatter symbols in a ThreeDScatterChart object.

Polar Charts Related

PolarChartThe PolarChart class represents polar charts (including radar charts). PolarChart is a subclass of BaseChart.
RadialAxisThe RadialAxis class represents radial axes in polar charts. RadialAxis is a subclass of Axis.
AngularAxisThe AngularAxis class represents angular axes in polar charts.
PolarLayerThe PolarLayer class is the base class for all PolarChart layer classes.
PolarLineLayerThe PolarLineLayer class represents polar area layers. PolarLineLayer is a subclass of PolarLayer.
PolarAreaLayerThe PolarAreaLayer class represents polar area layers. PolarAreaLayer is a subclass of PolarLayer.
PolarSplineLineLayerThe PolarSplineLineLayer class represents polar spline line layers. PolarSplineLineLayer is a subclass of PolarLineLayer.
PolarSplineAreaLayerThe PolarSplineAreaLayer class represents polar spline area layers. PolarSplineAreaLayer is a subclass of PolarAreaLayer.
PolarVectorLayerThe PolarVectorLayer class represents polar vector layers. PolarVectorLayer is a subclass of PolarLayer.

Pyramid Charts Related

PyramidChartThe PyramidChart class represents pyramid charts (including cone charts and funnel charts). PyramidChart is a subclass of BaseChart.
PyramidLayerThe PyramidLayer class represents a layer in a pyramid

Meters and Gauges

BaseMeterThe BaseMeter class is the base class of all meters in ChartDirector. BaseMeter is a subclass of BaseChart.
AngularMeterThe AngularMeter class represents angular meters. AngularMeter is a subclass of BaseMeter.
LinearMeterThe LinearMeter class represents linear meters
MeterPointerThe MeterPointer class represent meter pointers in both angular and linear meters.

Finance Charts Related

FinanceChartFinanceChart is a powerful financial charting library built on top of the main ChartDirector library. It extends MultiChart by implementing many financial indicators, and allowing complex financial charts to be composed easily.

Graphics Primitives

DrawAreaThe DrawArea class represents drawing surfaces, with methods for performing graphics primitives (such as drawing lines, shapes and texts) and the surfaces.
TTFTextThe TTFText class represents text blocks.

Utility Classes

ArrayMathThe ArrayMath class is a utility class used to perform array computations.
RanSeriesRanSeries is a utility class to produce random series.
RanTableRanTable is a utility class to produce tables with random numbers.
FinanceSimulatorFinanceSimulator is a utility class to produce random data that looks like financial data series.