ChartDirector 7.0 (Python Edition)


The ThreeDScatterGroup class represents a group of scatter symbols in a ThreeDScatterChart object.

ThreeDScatterGroup objects are created by using ThreeDScatterChart.addScatterGroup.

setDataSymbol(Self)Uses one of the built-in symbols as the graphics symbol to plot the data points.
setDataSymbol2(Self)Uses the image from the specified file or resource as the graphics symbol to plot the data points.
setDataSymbol3(Self)Uses a DrawArea object as the graphics symbol to plot the data points.
setDataSymbol4(Self)Uses a custom shape as the graphics symbol to plot the data points.
setSymbolOffset(Self)Offset the symbols in the x and y directions in pixel unit.
setDropLine(Self)Sets the drop line color and width.
setLegendIcon(Self)Sets the size and color of the legend icon.