ChartDirector 6.0 (Ruby Edition)


The AngularMeter class represents angular meters. The AngularMeter class is a subclass of BaseMeter.

AngularMeter(Self)Creates a new AngularMeter object.
setMeter(Self)Sets the position and angle range of the meter.
addScaleBackground(Self)Adds a background to the meter scale.
addGlare(Self)Adds glare effect to the meter.
addZone(Self)Adds a colored zone to the meter.
addZone2(Self)Adds a colored zone to the meter.
addRing(Self)Adds a circular ring or a circle to the meter.
addRingSector(Self)Adds a ring sector or a sector to the meter.
addPointer2(Self)Adds a new style pointer to the meter.
setCap(Self)Sets the radius and color of a classical pointer cap.
setCap2(Self)Configures the meter to use new style pointer cap.
relativeRadialGradient(Self)Creates a radial gradient color relative to the meter center and radius.
relativeLinearGradient(Self)Creates a linear gradient color relative to the meter center and radius.
setScaleBaseMeterSets the meter to use the given scale.
setScale2BaseMeterSets the meter to use the given scale with the given text labels and tick positions.
setScale3BaseMeterSets the meter to use the given scale with the given numeric labels and tick positions.
addColorScaleBaseMeterAdds a color scale to the meter.
addPointerBaseMeterAdds a pointer to the meter.
setLabelStyleBaseMeterSets the font style used to for the meter labels.
setLabelFormatBaseMeterSets the format of the labels computed by ChartDirector.
setLabelPosBaseMeterSets the positions of the meter scale labels.
setMeterColorsBaseMeterSets the colors of the meter scale line, scale label and tick.
setLineWidthBaseMeterSets the line widths of the scale line and the ticks on the meter.
setTickLengthBaseMeterSet the lengths of the ticks.
addLabelBaseMeterAdds a label to a specific position on the meter scale.
getLabelBaseMeterGets the label at the specified position on the meter scale.
getCoorBaseMeterGets the geometric coordinates given the data value.
getTicksBaseMeterReturns the positions of all ticks as values on the meter scale.
setSizeBaseChartSets the size of the chart, exclusive of the drop shadow (if any).
getWidthBaseChartGets the width of the chart.
getHeightBaseChartGets the height of the chart.
getAbsOffsetXBaseChartGets the x offset of the chart relative to the outermost MultiChart container.
getAbsOffsetYBaseChartGets the y offset of the chart relative to the outermost MultiChart container.
setBackgroundBaseChartSets the background color, border color and 3D border effect of the chart.
setRoundedFrameBaseChartSets the border style of the chart to rounded corners.
setThickFrameBaseChartSets a thick frame around the chart.
setDropShadowBaseChartAdds a drop shadow to the chart.
setBorderBaseChartSets the border color of the chart.
setWallpaperBaseChartUses the image from the specified file as the wallpaper to repetitively fill the background of the chart.
setBgImageBaseChartUses the image from the specified file as the background image of the chart.
setSearchPathBaseChartSets the file system search path for loading image files.
setTransparentColorBaseChartSpecifies a certain color to mean transparent when creating a raster image output.
setAntiAliasBaseChartControls whether anti-alias is used when drawing lines, shapes and text.
addTitleBaseChartAdds a title at the top center of the chart.
addTitle2BaseChartAdds a title to the chart.
addLegendBaseChartAdds a legend box to the chart.
addLegend2BaseChartAdds a legend box to the chart with grid layout.
getLegendBaseChartGets the LegendBox object representing the legend box in the chart.
layoutLegendBaseChartLays out and gets the LegendBox object representing the legend box in the chart.
getDrawAreaBaseChartRetrieves the internal DrawArea object that is used to draw the chart.
addTextBaseChartAdds a text box to the chart.
addTableBaseChartAdds a CDML table to the chart.
addLineBaseChartAdds a line to the chart.
addExtraFieldBaseChartAdds an array of text to be used as an extra field in various places.
addExtraField2BaseChartAdds an array of numbers/dates to be used as an extra field in various places.
setColorBaseChartChange the color at the specified position in the palette.
setColorsBaseChartChange the colors in the palette.
setColors2BaseChartChange the colors in the palette, starting from the specified position in the palette.
getColorBaseChartGets the color at the specified position of the palette.
adjustBrightnessBaseChartCreates a color that is a darkened or brightened version of the given color.
halfColorBaseChartCreates a color that is half the intensity of the given color.
dashLineColorBaseChartCreates a dash line color.
patternColorBaseChartCreates a pattern color using an array of colors as the bitmap pattern.
patternColor2BaseChartCreates a pattern color by loading the pattern from an image file.
linearGradientColorBaseChartCreates a two-point linear gradient color.
linearGradientColor2BaseChartCreates a multi-point linear gradient color.
radialGradientColorBaseChartCreates a two-point radial gradient color.
radialGradientColor2BaseChartCreates a multi-point radial gradient color.
gradientColorBaseChartCreates a two-point linear gradient color.
gradientColor2BaseChartCreates a multi-point linear gradient color.
setDefaultFontsBaseChartSets the defaults for normal, bold, italic and bold-italic fonts.
setFontTableBaseChartSets an entry in the font table to the specified font name.
formatValueBaseChartFormats a number/date using the ChartDirector formatting syntax as is in Parameter Substitution and Formatting.
setNumberFormatBaseChartSets the characters used for thousand separator, decimal point, and negative sign.
setMonthNamesBaseChartSets the names of the months for date/time formatting purposes.
setWeekDayNamesBaseChartSets the names of the week days for date/time formatting purposes.
setAMPMBaseChartSets the names to be used to denote morning and afternoon.
layoutBaseChartPerform auto-scaling of the axes (if any) and compute the positions of the various objects in the chart.
enableVectorOutputBaseChartThis method is deprecated. It has no effect and may be removed in future versions of ChartDirector.
setOutputOptionsBaseChartSets output format options for the next chart output. Currently, only SVG, SVGZ and PDF output formats support output options.
makeChartBaseChartGenerates the chart image and save it into a file.
makeChart2BaseChartGenerates the chart as an image in memory.
makeChart3BaseChartGenerates the chart in internal format and return a DrawArea object to allow adding custom drawings on top of the chart.
makeTmpFileBaseChartGenerates the chart as an image and save it to a temporary file, and automatically remove old files.
initDynamicLayerBaseChartInitializes a dynamic layer for drawing text and shapes.
removeDynamicLayerBaseChartRemoves the dynamic layer if any.
getHTMLImageMapBaseChartGenerates an HTML image map for the chart.
getJsChartModelBaseChartGets the Javascript Chart Model for passing to WebChartViewer.setChartModel for the purpose of supporting track cursors in a web application.
getChartMetricsBaseChartGets the chart metrics for passing to WebChartViewer.setChartMetrics to support viewports for web applications.