ChartDirector 7.0 (Python Edition)

Angular Meters

In this section, we will discuss how to create meters and gauges using ChartDirector through a number of examples.

Semicircle MeterDemonstrates the basic steps in creating a semicircle meter.
Color Semicircle MetersDemonstrates semicircle meters in various gradient colors, as well as various color scales and pointer types.
Black Semicircle MetersDemonstrates semicircle meters with black background, silver border and glare effect.
White Semicircle MetersDemonstrates semicircle meters with a soft white background and a silver border.
Semicircle Meter with ReadoutDemonstrates semicircle meters configured with a large pointer cap to display the meter value.
Round MeterDemonstrates the basic steps in creating a round meter.
Color Round MetersDemonstrates round meters in various gradient colors, as well as various color scales, and different types of scale angles.
Black Round MetersDemonstrates round meters with black background, silver border and glare effect.
White Round MetersDemonstrates round meters with a soft white background and a silver border.
Neon Round MetersThis examples demonstrates various shading effects to create round meters with a neon look and feel. Also demonstrates how to create meters that can easily be resized.
Round Meters with ReadoutDemonstrates round meters configured with a large pointer cap to display the meter value.
Rectangular Angular MetersDemonstrates rectangular angular meters.
Square Angular MetersDemonstrates angular meters of which the pointers are pivoted at the corners of squares.
Angular Meter Pointers (1)Demonstrates adding multiple classical pointers of different styles to a meter.
Angular Meter Pointers (2)Demonstrates adding multiple new style pointers of different styles to a meter.
Icon Angular MeterDemonstrates a fuel-tank like meters, in which the meter is labelled by an icon and the scale shows text abbreviations.
Circular Bar MeterDemonstrates circular bar meters.
Circular Bar Meter (2)Demonstrates circular bar meters in segmented style.