ChartDirector 7.0 (Python Edition)
Angular Meter Pointers (1)
Source Code Listing
# The ChartDirector for Python module is assumed to be in "../lib"
import sys, os
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.abspath(sys.path[0]), "..", "lib"))
from pychartdir import *
# Create an AngularMeter object of size 300 x 300 pixels with transparent background
m = AngularMeter(300, 300, Transparent)
# Set the default text and line colors to white (0xffffff)
m.setColor(TextColor, 0xffffff)
m.setColor(LineColor, 0xffffff)
# Center at (150, 150), scale radius = 128 pixels, scale angle 0 to 360 degrees
m.setMeter(150, 150, 128, 0, 360)
# Add a black (0x000000) circle with radius 148 pixels as background
m.addRing(0, 148, 0x000000)
# Add a ring between radii 139 and 147 pixels using the silver color with a light grey (0xcccccc)
# edge as border
m.addRing(139, 147, silverColor(), 0xcccccc)
# Meter scale is 0 - 100, with major/minor/micro ticks every 10/5/1 units
m.setScale(0, 100, 10, 5, 1)
# Set the scale label style to 16pt Arial Italic. Set the major/minor/micro tick lengths to 13/10/7
# pixels pointing inwards, and their widths to 2/1/1 pixels.
m.setLabelStyle("Arial Italic", 16)
m.setTickLength(-13, -10, -7)
m.setLineWidth(0, 2, 1, 1)
# Add a semi-transparent blue (0x7f6666ff) pointer using the default shape
m.addPointer(25, 0x7f6666ff, 0x6666ff)
# Add a semi-transparent red (0x7fff6666) pointer using the arrow shape
m.addPointer(9, 0x7fff6666, 0xff6666).setShape(ArrowPointer2)
# Add a semi-transparent yellow (0x7fffff66) pointer using another arrow shape
m.addPointer(51, 0x7fffff66, 0xffff66).setShape(ArrowPointer)
# Add a semi-transparent green (0x7f66ff66) pointer using the line shape
m.addPointer(72, 0x7f66ff66, 0x66ff66).setShape(LinePointer)
# Add a semi-transparent grey (0x7fcccccc) pointer using the pencil shape
m.addPointer(85, 0x7fcccccc, 0xcccccc).setShape(PencilPointer)
# Output the chart