Method | Inherited | Description |
NoValue | (Self) | A constant equals to 1.7E+308 to represent missing values in ChartDirector. |
BottomLeft | (Self) | A constant equals to 1 to represent the bottom left position. |
BottomCenter | (Self) | A constant equals to 2 to represent the bottom center position. |
BottomRight | (Self) | A constant equals to 3 to represent the bottom right position. |
Left | (Self) | A constant equals to 4 to represent the left position. |
Center | (Self) | A constant equals to 5 to represent the center position. |
Right | (Self) | A constant equals to 6 to represent the right position. |
TopLeft | (Self) | A constant equals to 7 to represent the top left position. |
TopCenter | (Self) | A constant equals to 8 to represent the top center position. |
TopRight | (Self) | A constant equals to 9 to represent the top right position. |
Bottom | (Self) | A constant equals to 2 to represent the bottom position. |
Top | (Self) | A constant equals to 8 to represent the top position. |
TopLeft2 | (Self) | A constant equals to 10 to represent the alternative exterior top left position. |
TopRight2 | (Self) | A constant equals to 11 to represent the alternative exterior top right position. |
BottomLeft2 | (Self) | A constant equals to 12 to represent the alternative exterior bottom left position. |
BottomRight2 | (Self) | A constant equals to 13 to represent the alternative exterior bottom right position. |
Transparent | (Self) | A constant equals to FF000000 (in hex) to represent the transparent color. |
BackgroundColor | (Self) | A constant equals to FFFF0000 (in hex) to represent the background color. |
LineColor | (Self) | A constant equals to FFFF0001 (in hex) to represent the default line color. |
TextColor | (Self) | A constant equals to FFFF0002 (in hex) to represent the default text color. |
SameAsMainColor | (Self) | A constant equals to FFFF0007 (in hex) to represent the current main color. |
Palette | (Self) | A constant equals to FFFF0000 (in hex) to represent the starting index of the color palette. |
DataColor | (Self) | A constant equals to FFFF0008 (in hex) to represent the starting index of automatic data color. |
defaultPalette | (Self) | A constant array of integers to represent the default palette. |
whiteOnBlackPalette | (Self) | A constant array of integers to represent the white on black palette. |
transparentPalette | (Self) | A constant array of integers to represent the semi-transparent palette. |
NormalGlare | (Self) | A constant equals to 3 to represent using normal glare strength in Chart::glassEffect shading style. |
ReducedGlare | (Self) | A constant equals to 2 to represent using reduced glare strength in Chart::glassEffect shading style. |
NoGlare | (Self) | A constant equals to 1 to represent disabling the glare in Chart::glassEffect shading style. |
DashLine | (Self) | A constant equals to 0505 (in hex) to represent a dash line pattern for use in dash colors. |
DotLine | (Self) | A constant equals to 0202 (in hex) to represent a dotted line pattern for use in dash colors. |
DotDashLine | (Self) | A constant equals to 05050205 (in hex) to represent a dot-dash line pattern for use in dash colors. |
AltDashLine | (Self) | A constant equals to 0A050505 (in hex) to represent a alternating long/short dash line pattern for use in dash colors. |
goldGradient | (Self) | A constant array of integers to represent a gradient that looks like a golden color. |
silverGradient | (Self) | A constant array of integers to represent a gradient that looks like a silver color. |
redMetalGradient | (Self) | A constant array of integers to represent a gradient that looks like a red metallic color. |
blueMetalGradient | (Self) | A constant array of integers to represent a gradient that looks like a blue metallic color. |
greenMetalGradient | (Self) | A constant array of integers to represent a gradient that looks like a green metallic color. |
SquareShape | (Self) | A constant equals to 1 to represent a square. |
DiamondShape | (Self) | A constant equals to 2 to represent a diamond shape. |
TriangleShape | (Self) | A constant equals to 3 to represent a triangle pointing upwards. |
RightTriangleShape | (Self) | A constant equals to 4 to represent a triangle pointing rightwards. |
LeftTriangleShape | (Self) | A constant equals to 5 to represent a triangle pointing leftwards. |
InvertedTriangleShape | (Self) | A constant equals to 6 to represent a triangle pointing downwards. |
CircleShape | (Self) | A constant equals to 7 to represent a circle. |
GlassSphereShape | (Self) | A constant equals to 15 to represent a glass sphere. |
GlassSphere2Shape | (Self) | A constant equals to 16 to represent a bright glass sphere. |
SolidSphereShape | (Self) | A constant equals to 17 to represent a solid sphere. |
NewShape | (Self) | A constant equals to 4fffffff in hexadecimal to represent a shape separator in custom shape definition. |
DefaultShading | (Self) | A constant equals to 0 to represent default sector shading style. |
FlatShading | (Self) | A constant equals to 1 to represent flat sector shading style. |
LocalGradientShading | (Self) | A constant equals to 2 to represent local gradient sector shading style. |
GlobalGradientShading | (Self) | A constant equals to 3 to represent global gradient sector shading style. |
ConcaveShading | (Self) | A constant equals to 4 to represent concave sector shading style. |
RoundedEdgeShading | (Self) | A constant equals to 6 to represent rounded edge sector shading style. |
RadialShading | (Self) | A constant equals to 7 to represent radial sector shading style. |
RingShading | (Self) | A constant equals to 8 to represent ring sector shading style. |
SmoothShading | (Self) | A constant equals to 0 to represent smooth surface shading style. |
TriangularShading | (Self) | A constant equals to 1 to represent triangular surface shading style. |
RectangularShading | (Self) | A constant equals to 2 to represent rectangular surface shading style. |
TriangularFrame | (Self) | A constant equals to 3 to represent triangular frame only surface shading style. |
RectangularFrame | (Self) | A constant equals to 4 to represent rectangular frame only surface shading style. |
TreeMapSquarify | (Self) | A constant equals to 1 to represent that the Squarify method will be used to layout the tree map. |
TreeMapStrip | (Self) | A constant equals to 2 to represent that the Strip method will be used to layout the tree map. |
TreeMapBinaryBySize | (Self) | A constant equals to 3 to represent that the Binary Split by Size method will be used to layout the tree map. |
TreeMapBinaryByCount | (Self) | A constant equals to 4 to represent that the Binary Split by Count method will be used to layout the tree map. |
TreeMapSliceAndDice | (Self) | A constant equals to 5 to represent that the Slice and Dice method will be used to layout the tree map. |
DiamondPointer | (Self) | A constant equals to 0 to represent the diamond style meter pointer. |
TriangularPointer | (Self) | A constant equals to 1 to represent the triangular style meter pointer. |
ArrowPointer | (Self) | A constant equals to 2 to represent the arrow style meter pointer. |
ArrowPointer2 | (Self) | A constant equals to 3 to represent the alternative arrow style meter pointer. |
LinePointer | (Self) | A constant equals to 4 to represent the line style meter pointer. |
PencilPointer | (Self) | A constant equals to 5 to represent the pencil style meter pointer. |
TriangularPointer2 | (Self) | A constant equals to 6 to represent the new triangular style meter pointer. |
LinePointer2 | (Self) | A constant equals to 7 to represent the new line style meter pointer. |
PNG | (Self) | A constant equals to 0 to represent the PNG image format. |
GIF | (Self) | A constant equals to 1 to represent the GIF image format. |
JPG | (Self) | A constant equals to 2 to represent the JPG image format. |
BMP | (Self) | A constant equals to 4 to represent the BMP image format. |
WMP | (Self) | A constant equals to 3 to represent the WAP bitmap image format. |
SVG | (Self) | A constant equals to 5 to represent the SVG image format. |
SVGZ | (Self) | A constant equals to 6 to represent the compressed SVG image format. |
(Self) | A constant equals to 7 to represent the PDF image format. | |
NoAntiAlias | (Self) | A constant equals to 0 to represent that text should be drawn without using anti-alias. |
AntiAlias | (Self) | A constant equals to 1 to represent that text should be drawn with classical anti-alias. |
AutoAntiAlias | (Self) | A constant equals to 2 to represent that text should be drawn with an automatically determined anti-alias method. |
CompatAntiAlias | (Self) | A constant equals to 6 to represent that text should be drawn with an automatically determined anti-alias method that behaves the same way as in ChartDirector 5.0.x or earlier versions. |
TryPalette | (Self) | A constant equals to 0 to represent that palette based image format should be used if the image contains 256 colors or less. |
ForcePalette | (Self) | A constant equals to 1 to represent that palette based image format should always be used (dither the image if necessary). |
NoPalette | (Self) | A constant equals to 2 to represent that true color image format should always be used. |
Quantize | (Self) | A constant equals to 0 to represent that the quantize dithering method should be used if dithering is required. |
OrderedDither | (Self) | A constant equals to 1 to represent that the ordered dithering method should be used if dithering is required. |
ErrorDiffusion | (Self) | A constant equals to 2 to represent that the error diffusion dithering method should be used if dithering is required. |
SideLayout | (Self) | A constant equals to 0 to represent the side label layout method for pie/donut charts. |
CircleLayout | (Self) | A constant equals to 1 to represent the circular label layout method for pie/donut charts. |
Side | (Self) | A constant equals to 3 to represent the "Side" data representation method for multiple data sets. |
Stack | (Self) | A constant equals to 1 to represent the "Stack" data representation method for multiple data sets. |
Overlay | (Self) | A constant equals to 0 to represent the "Overlay" data representation method for multiple data sets. |
Percentage | (Self) | A constant equals to 4 to represent the "Percentage" data representation method for multiple data sets. |
MonotonicNone | (Self) | A constant equals to 0 to represent that a spline curve is not constraint to flow in any direction. |
MonotonicX | (Self) | A constant equals to 1 to represent that a spline curve is constrained to not overshooting or undershooting in the x-axis direction. |
MonotonicY | (Self) | A constant equals to 2 to represent that a spline curve is constrained to not overshooting or undershooting in the y-axis direction. |
MonotonicXY | (Self) | A constant equals to 3 to represent that a spline curve is constrained to not overshooting or undershooting in both the x-axis direction and the y-axis direction. |
MonotonicAuto | (Self) | A constant equals to 3 to represent that the system will automatically determine whether to constrained a spline curve to not overshooting or undershooting in the x-axis direction and/or the y-axis direction. |
LinearRegression | (Self) | A constant equals to 1 to represent that linear regression be used to draw a trend line. |
ConstrainedLinearRegression | (Self) | A constant equals to 0 to represent that constrained linear regression be used to draw a trend line. |
ExponentialRegression | (Self) | A constant equals to -1 to represent that exponential regression be used to draw a trend line. |
LogarithmicRegression | (Self) | A constant equals to -2 to represent that logarithmic regression be used to draw a trend line. |
LogTick | (Self) | A constant equals to +1.6e308 to represent that the ticks in a log scale axis should be 1 - 2 - 5 - 10 style increments. |
LinearTick | (Self) | A constant equals to +1.5E+308 to represent that the ticks in a log scale axis should be 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 style increments. |
TickInc | (Self) | A constant equals to +1E+200 to represent the distance between major ticks. |
MinorTickOnly | (Self) | A constant equals to -1.7e308 to represent that the label position should contain a minor tick only. |
MicroTickOnly | (Self) | A constant equals to -1.6e308 to represent that the label position should contain a micro tick only. |
PixelScale | (Self) | A constant equals to 0 to represent that the size is measured in pixels. |
XAxisScale | (Self) | A constant equals to 1 to represent that the size is measured using the x-axis scale. |
YAxisScale | (Self) | A constant equals to 2 to represent that the size is measured using y-axis scale. |
AngularAxisScale | (Self) | A constant equals to 1 to represent that the size is measured using the angular-axis scale. |
RadialAxisScale | (Self) | A constant equals to 2 to represent that the size is measured using the radial-axis scale. |
EndPoints | (Self) | A constant equals to 3 to represent that the vector lengths and directions are measured by specifying the end points. |
DataBound | (Self) | A constant equals to -1.7E-100 to represent that the interpolated z values should not exceed the minimum or maximum values of the original data. |
XAxisAtOrigin | (Self) | A constant equals to 1 to represent that the x-axis should intersect with the zero point of the y-axis if it exists on the chart. |
YAxisAtOrigin | (Self) | A constant equals to 2 to represent that the y-axis should intersect with the zero point of the x-axis if it exists on the chart. |
XYAxisAtOrigin | (Self) | A constant equals to 3 to represent that the x-axis and y-axis should intersect at the origin if it exists on the chart. |
XAxisSymmetric | (Self) | A constant equals to 1 to represent that the x-axis should be symmetrical about the origin. |
XAxisSymmetricIfNeeded | (Self) | A constant equals to 2 to represent that the x-axis should be symmetrical about the origin if the data contain both positive and negative values. |
YAxisSymmetric | (Self) | A constant equals to 4 to represent that the y-axis should be symmetrical about the origin. |
YAxisSymmetricIfNeeded | (Self) | A constant equals to 8 to represent that the y-axis should be symmetrical about the origin if the data contain both positive and negative values. |
XYAxisSymmetric | (Self) | A constant equals to 16 to represent that the the x-axis and y-axis should be symmetrical about the origin. |
XYAxisSymmetricIfNeeded | (Self) | A constant equals to 32 to represent that the x-axis and y-axis should be symmetrical about the origin if the data contain both positive and negative values. |
NormalLegend | (Self) | A constant equals to 0 to represent that the legend keys order should follow the creation order of the data sets. |
ReverseLegend | (Self) | A constant equals to 1 to represent that the legend keys order is the reverse of the creation order of the data sets. |
NoLegend | (Self) | A constant equals to 2 to represent that no legend keys should be added to the legend box. |
AutoGrid | (Self) | A constant equals to -2 to represent that the number of columns in the legend box with grid layout is automatically determine. |
ChartBackZ | (Self) | A constant equals to 100 (in hex) to represent the z-order of the back surface of the chart. |
ChartFrontZ | (Self) | A constant equals to ffff (in hex) to represent the z-order of the front surface of the chart. |
PlotAreaZ | (Self) | A constant equals to 1000 (in hex) to represent the z-order of the plot area back surface of the chart. |
GridLinesZ | (Self) | A constant equals to 2000 (in hex) to represent the z-order of the grid lines of the chart. |
TouchBar | (Self) | A constant equals to -1.7e-100 to represent that the bars in a bar layer should touch each others with no gap in between. |
HLOCDefault | (Self) | A constant equals to 0 to represent that the HLOC symbols should be drawn using the same color. |
HLOCOpenClose | (Self) | A constant equals to 1 to represent that the HLOC symbols should be drawn using two alternative colors based on whether the closing price is higher than the opening price. |
HLOCUpDown | (Self) | A constant equals to 2 to represent that the HLOC symbols should be drawn using two alternative colors based on whether the closing price is higher than the previous closing price. |
AggregateSum | (Self) | A constant equals to 0 to represent using the sum as the aggregated value in ArrayMath.aggregate. |
AggregateAvg | (Self) | A constant equals to 1 to represent using the average as the aggregated value in ArrayMath.aggregate. |
AggregateStdDev | (Self) | A constant equals to 2 to represent using the standard deviation as the aggregated value in ArrayMath.aggregate. |
AggregateMin | (Self) | A constant equals to 3 to represent using the minimum value as the aggregated value in ArrayMath.aggregate. |
AggregateMed | (Self) | A constant equals to 4 to represent using the median value as the aggregated value in ArrayMath.aggregate. |
AggregateMax | (Self) | A constant equals to 5 to represent using the maximum value as the aggregated value in ArrayMath.aggregate. |
AggregatePercentile | (Self) | A constant equals to 6 to represent using the percentile value as the aggregated value in ArrayMath.aggregate. |
AggregateFirst | (Self) | A constant equals to 7 to represent using the first value as the aggregated value in ArrayMath.aggregate. |
AggregateLast | (Self) | A constant equals to 8 to represent using the last value as the aggregated value in ArrayMath.aggregate. |
AggregateCount | (Self) | A constant equals to 9 to represent using the item count as the aggregated value in ArrayMath.aggregate. |
BoxFilter | (Self) | A constant equals to 0 to represent a Box graphical re-sampling filter. |
LinearFilter | (Self) | A constant equals to 1 to represent a Linear graphical re-sampling filter. |
QuadraticFilter | (Self) | A constant equals to 2 to represent a Quadratic graphical re-sampling filter. |
BSplineFilter | (Self) | A constant equals to 3 to represent a B-spline graphical re-sampling filter. |
HermiteFilter | (Self) | A constant equals to 4 to represent a Hermite graphical re-sampling filter. |
CatromFilter | (Self) | A constant equals to 5 to represent a Catrom graphical re-sampling filter. |
MitchellFilter | (Self) | A constant equals to 6 to represent a Mitchell graphical re-sampling filter. |
SincFilter | (Self) | A constant equals to 7 to represent a Sinc graphical re-sampling filter. |
LanczosFilter | (Self) | A constant equals to 8 to represent a Lanczos graphical re-sampling filter. |
GaussianFilter | (Self) | A constant equals to 9 to represent a Gaussian graphical re-sampling filter. |
HanningFilter | (Self) | A constant equals to 10 to represent a Hanning graphical re-sampling filter. |
HammingFilter | (Self) | A constant equals to 11 to represent a Hamming graphical re-sampling filter. |
BlackmanFilter | (Self) | A constant equals to 12 to represent a Blackman graphical re-sampling filter. |
BesselFilter | (Self) | A constant equals to 13 to represent a Bessel graphical re-sampling filter. |
MouseUsageDefault | (Self) | A constant equals to 0 to represent using the default mouse behaviour. |
MouseUsageScroll | (Self) | A constant equals to 1 to represent using the mouse for drag scrolling. |
MouseUsageZoomIn | (Self) | A constant equals to 3 to represent using the mouse for zoom in actions. |
MouseUsageZoomOut | (Self) | A constant equals to 4 to represent using the mouse for zoom out actions. |
DirectionHorizontal | (Self) | A constant equals to 0 to represent that the zoom and/or scroll orientation is horizontal. |
DirectionVertical | (Self) | A constant equals to 1 to represent that the zoom and/or scroll orientation is vertical. |
DirectionHorizontalVertical | (Self) | A constant equals to 2 to represent that the zoom and/or scroll orientation can be both horizontal and vertical. |
KeepAspectRatio | (Self) | A constant equals to 3 to represent can be both horizontal and vertical and the zoom level will be kept the same in both directions. |
ViewPortNoUpdate | (Self) | A constant equals to 0 to represent that the viewport position and size should remain unchanged. |
KeepVisibleRange | (Self) | A constant equals to 1 to represent that the viewport should be adjusted to keep the axis end points unchanged. |
ScrollWithMax | (Self) | A constant equals to 2 to represent that the viewport should be adjusted to keep the distance from the axis end points to the upper full range unchanged. |
ScrollWithMin | (Self) | A constant equals to 3 to represent that the viewport should be adjusted so keep the distance from the axis end points to the lower full range unchanged. |
Method | Inherited | Description |
ClearTypeColor | (Self) | Gets a value to represent that standard ClearType or a similar technology be used for drawing text. |
ClearTypeMono | (Self) | Gets a value to represent that monochrome ClearType or a similar technology be used for drawing text. |
setLicenseCode | (Self) | Sets the license code into ChartDirector. |
getVersion | (Self) | Gets ChartDirector version information. |
getBootLog | (Self) | A diagnostic function to obtain the ChartDirector boot log. |
testFont | (Self) | A diagnostic function to perform a font loading test. |
chartTime | (Self) | Obtain the second elapsed since 01-01-0001 00:00:00 to the given time, which is the date/time format used by ChartDirector. |
chartTime2 | (Self) | Converts a UNIX time (seconds elapsed since 01-01-1970 00:00:00 GMT) to the date/time format used by ChartDirector. |
getChartYMD | (Self) | Gets the year, month and day represented by a ChartDirector date/time. |
getChartWeekDay | (Self) | Gets the weekday represented by a ChartDirector date/time. |
goldColor | (Self) | Creates a golden color, most commonly used as a background color. |
silverColor | (Self) | Creates a silver color, most commonly used as a background color. |
metalColor | (Self) | Creates a color by modulates the brightness of another color to create metallic shiny effects. |
brushedGoldColor | (Self) | Creates a brushed golden color, most commonly used as a background color. |
brushedSilverColor | (Self) | Creates a brushed silver color, most commonly used as a background color. |
brushedMetalColor | (Self) | Creates a color by modulates the brightness of another color to create brushed metallic shiny effects. |
glassEffect | (Self) | A complex shading effect that emulates tinted glass or semi-transparent plastic material. |
softLighting | (Self) | A special shading effect that looks like gradient coloring. |
barLighting | (Self) | A special shading effect for rectangular and polygonal bars on a BarLayer. It shades all surfaces of a 2D or 3D bar with gradient colors. |
cylinderEffect | (Self) | A special shading effect that emulates the lighting of a cylinder surface. |
flatBorder | (Self) | Specifies a flat border of a given width. |
phongLighting | (Self) | Sets the parameters for the phong lighting effect. |
PolygonShape | (Self) | Gets the shape id that represents a polygon. |
Polygon2Shape | (Self) | Gets the shape id that represents a polygon in an alternative orientation. |
StarShape | (Self) | Gets the shape id that represents a star shape. |
CrossShape | (Self) | Gets the shape id that represents a '+' shape. |
Cross2Shape | (Self) | Gets the shape id that represents a 'X' shape. |
ArrowShape | (Self) | Gets the shape id that represents an arrow shape. |
xySize | (Self) | Encode width and height into a single number to be used as size. This is intended to be used in certain ChartDirector API that that supports the encoded value. |
PolynomialRegression | (Self) | Sets the degree of the polynomial regression to be used in a trend layer. |
StartOfSecondFilter | (Self) | Creates a data filter that matches date/times that represent the start of a new second in a date/time series. |
StartOfMinuteFilter | (Self) | Creates a data filter that matches date/times that represent the start of a new minute in a date/time series. |
StartOfHourFilter | (Self) | Creates a data filter that matches date/times that represent the start of a new hour in a date/time series. |
StartOfDayFilter | (Self) | Creates a data filter that matches date/times that represent the start of a new day in a date/time series. |
StartOfWeekFilter | (Self) | Creates a data filter that matches date/times that represent the start of a new week in a date/time series. |
StartOfMonthFilter | (Self) | Creates a data filter that matches date/times that represent the start of a new month in a date/time series. |
StartOfYearFilter | (Self) | Creates a data filter that matches date/times that represent the start of a new year in a date/time series. |
RegularSpacingFilter | (Self) | Creates a data filter that matches 1 out of every N elements. |
AllPassFilter | (Self) | Creates a data filter that matches every element. |
NonePassFilter | (Self) | Creates a data filter that matches no element. |
SelectItemFilter | (Self) | Creates a data filter that matches the specified item. |
bSearch | (Self) | Uses binary search to search for a value in an array. |
setResource | (Self) | Assigns a resource ID to a memory block to allow it to be referenced using a resource path. |