# In the sample code, the ChartDirector for Perl module is assumed to be in "../lib"
use File::Basename;
use lib (dirname($0)."/../lib") =~ /(.*)/;
use perlchartdir;
# The data for the chart
my $data = [51, 15, 51, 40, 17, 87, 94, 21, 35, 88, 50, 60];
# The labels for the chart
my $labels = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sept", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"];
# Create a PolarChart object of size 400 x 420 pixels
my $c = new PolarChart(400, 420);
# Set background color to a 2 pixel pattern color, with a black border and 1 pixel 3D border effect
$c->setBackground($c->patternColor([0xffffff, 0xe0e0e0], 2), 0, 1);
# Add a title to the chart using 16pt Arial Bold Italic font. The title text is white (0xffffff) on
# 2 pixel pattern background
$c->addTitle("Chemical Concentration", "arialbi.ttf", 16, 0xffffff)->setBackground($c->patternColor(
[0x000000, 0x000080], 2));
# Set center of plot area at (200, 240) with radius 145 pixels. Set background color to blue
# (9999ff)
$c->setPlotArea(200, 240, 145, 0x9999ff);
# Color the region between radius = 40 to 80 as green (99ff99)
$c->radialAxis()->addZone(40, 80, 0x99ff99);
# Color the region with radius > 80 as red (ff9999)
$c->radialAxis()->addZone(80, 999, 0xff9999);
# Set the grid style to circular grid
# Set the radial axis label format
$c->radialAxis()->setLabelFormat("{value} ppm");
# Use semi-transparent (40ffffff) label background so as not to block the data
$c->radialAxis()->setLabelStyle()->setBackground(0x40ffffff, 0x40000000);
# Add a legend box at (200, 30) top center aligned, using 9pt Arial Bold font. with a black border.
my $legendBox = $c->addLegend(200, 30, 0, "arialbd.ttf", 9);
# Add legend keys to represent the red/green/blue zones
$legendBox->addKey("Under-Absorp", 0x9999ff);
$legendBox->addKey("Normal", 0x99ff99);
$legendBox->addKey("Over-Absorp", 0xff9999);
# Add a blue (000080) spline line layer with line width set to 3 pixels and using yellow (ffff00)
# circles to represent the data points
my $layer = $c->addSplineLineLayer($data, 0x000080);
$layer->setDataSymbol($perlchartdir::CircleShape, 11, 0xffff00);
# Set the labels to the angular axis as spokes.
# Output the chart
$c->makeChart("polarzones.png") |