ChartDirector 6.0 (Perl Edition)

Database Sample Code Overview

All ChartDirector database sample scripts described in this documentation are based on a MySQL database. The sample scripts are provided for reference purposes. To actually run the sample scripts, you would need to set up your database system as follows:

All ChartDirector database sample scripts described in this documentation are based on a MySQL database. The sample scripts are provided for reference purposes. To actually run the sample scripts, you would need to set up your database system as follows:

The sample database that contains only one table called "Revenue" . The table stores the monthly revenue data for three business units - Hardware, Software and Services. It contains four columns as follows:

Column NameType

Each row in the database table contains monthly revenues for the business units, where the date is stored in the "TimeStamp" column. The sample database contains rows from Jan 1990 to Dec 2001.