ChartDirector 6.0 (Perl Edition)
Circular Label Layout
Source Code Listing
#!/usr/bin/perl # In the sample code, the ChartDirector for Perl module is assumed to be in "../lib" use File::Basename; use lib (dirname($0)."/../lib") =~ /(.*)/; use perlchartdir; sub createChart { my $chartIndex = shift; # The data for the pie chart my $data = [42, 18, 8]; # The labels for the pie chart my $labels = ["Agree", "Disagree", "Not Sure"]; # The colors to use for the sectors my $colors = [0x66ff66, 0xff6666, 0xffff00]; # Create a PieChart object of size 300 x 300 pixels. Set the background to a gradient color from # blue (aaccff) to sky blue (ffffff), with a grey (888888) border. Use rounded corners and soft # drop shadow. my $c = new PieChart(300, 300); $c->setBackground($c->linearGradientColor(0, 0, 0, $c->getHeight() / 2, 0xaaccff, 0xffffff), 0x888888); $c->setRoundedFrame(); $c->setDropShadow(); if ($chartIndex == 0) { #============================================================ # Draw a pie chart where the label is on top of the pie #============================================================ # Set the center of the pie at (150, 150) and the radius to 120 pixels $c->setPieSize(150, 150, 120); # Set the label position to -40 pixels from the perimeter of the pie (-ve means label is # inside the pie) $c->setLabelPos(-40); } else { #============================================================ # Draw a pie chart where the label is outside the pie #============================================================ # Set the center of the pie at (150, 150) and the radius to 80 pixels $c->setPieSize(150, 150, 80); # Set the sector label position to be 20 pixels from the pie. Use a join line to connect the # labels to the sectors. $c->setLabelPos(20, $perlchartdir::LineColor); } # Set the pie data and the pie labels $c->setData($data, $labels); # Set the sector colors $c->setColors2($perlchartdir::DataColor, $colors); # Use local gradient shading, with a 1 pixel semi-transparent black (bb000000) border $c->setSectorStyle($perlchartdir::LocalGradientShading, 0xbb000000, 1); # Output the chart $c->makeChart("circlelabelpie$chartIndex.png") } createChart(0); createChart(1); |
#!/usr/bin/perl # In the sample code, the ChartDirector for Perl module is assumed to be in "../lib" use File::Basename; use lib (dirname($0)."/../lib") =~ /(.*)/; use perlchartdir; # Get HTTP query parameters use CGI; my $query = new CGI; # This script can draw different charts depending on the chartIndex $chartIndex = int($query->param("img")); # The data for the pie chart my $data = [42, 18, 8]; # The labels for the pie chart my $labels = ["Agree", "Disagree", "Not Sure"]; # The colors to use for the sectors my $colors = [0x66ff66, 0xff6666, 0xffff00]; # Create a PieChart object of size 300 x 300 pixels. Set the background to a gradient color from # blue (aaccff) to sky blue (ffffff), with a grey (888888) border. Use rounded corners and soft drop # shadow. my $c = new PieChart(300, 300); $c->setBackground($c->linearGradientColor(0, 0, 0, $c->getHeight() / 2, 0xaaccff, 0xffffff), 0x888888); $c->setRoundedFrame(); $c->setDropShadow(); if ($chartIndex == 0) { #============================================================ # Draw a pie chart where the label is on top of the pie #============================================================ # Set the center of the pie at (150, 150) and the radius to 120 pixels $c->setPieSize(150, 150, 120); # Set the label position to -40 pixels from the perimeter of the pie (-ve means label is inside # the pie) $c->setLabelPos(-40); } else { #============================================================ # Draw a pie chart where the label is outside the pie #============================================================ # Set the center of the pie at (150, 150) and the radius to 80 pixels $c->setPieSize(150, 150, 80); # Set the sector label position to be 20 pixels from the pie. Use a join line to connect the # labels to the sectors. $c->setLabelPos(20, $perlchartdir::LineColor); } # Set the pie data and the pie labels $c->setData($data, $labels); # Set the sector colors $c->setColors2($perlchartdir::DataColor, $colors); # Use local gradient shading, with a 1 pixel semi-transparent black (bb000000) border $c->setSectorStyle($perlchartdir::LocalGradientShading, 0xbb000000, 1); # Output the chart binmode(STDOUT); print "Content-type: image/png\n\n"; print $c->makeChart2($perlchartdir::PNG); |