ChartDirector 6.0 (Perl Edition)

Incorporating Charts in Web Pages

In many real application, the charts created by ChartDirector are to be displayed inside HTML based web pages.

To include any image in a HTML web page, one needs to insert an <IMG> tag in the HTML web page. When the browser sees the <IMG> tag, it will load the image using the URL in the <IMG> tag with another HTTP connection.

The same method applies when including a ChartDirector chart in a HTML web page. An <IMG> tag should be inserted in the web page, with its URL pointing to a charting script (a script that uses ChartDirector to create and deliver chart images).

For example:


<h1>Hello World!</h1>
<p>Hi, this is my first web page with ChartDirector charts.</p>

<IMG SRC="http://aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd/cgi-bin/perldemo_cgi/">

More HTML elements ......


In the above code, the "http://aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd/cgi-bin/perldemo_cgi/" is a charting script that uses ChartDirector to create and deliver chart images.

You can include multiple charts in the same web page by using multiple <IMG> tags pointing to multiple charting scripts.