The BaseChart class is an abstract class containing methods that are common to all chart types.
Method | Inherited | Description |
setSize | (Self) | Sets the size of the chart, exclusive of the drop shadow (if any). |
getWidth | (Self) | Gets the width of the chart. |
getHeight | (Self) | Gets the height of the chart. |
getAbsOffsetX | (Self) | Gets the x offset of the chart relative to the outermost MultiChart container. |
getAbsOffsetY | (Self) | Gets the y offset of the chart relative to the outermost MultiChart container. |
setBackground | (Self) | Sets the background color, border color and 3D border effect of the chart. |
setRoundedFrame | (Self) | Sets the border style of the chart to rounded corners. |
setThickFrame | (Self) | Sets a thick frame around the chart. |
setDropShadow | (Self) | Adds a drop shadow to the chart. |
setBorder | (Self) | Sets the border color of the chart. |
setWallpaper | (Self) | Uses the image from the specified file as the wallpaper to repetitively fill the background of the chart. |
setBgImage | (Self) | Uses the image from the specified file as the background image of the chart. |
setSearchPath | (Self) | Sets the file system search path for loading image files. |
setTransparentColor | (Self) | Specifies a certain color to mean transparent when creating a raster image output. |
setAntiAlias | (Self) | Controls whether anti-alias is used when drawing lines, shapes and text. |
addTitle | (Self) | Adds a title at the top center of the chart. |
addTitle2 | (Self) | Adds a title to the chart. |
addLegend | (Self) | Adds a legend box to the chart. |
addLegend2 | (Self) | Adds a legend box to the chart with grid layout. |
getLegend | (Self) | Gets the LegendBox object representing the legend box in the chart. |
layoutLegend | (Self) | Lays out and gets the LegendBox object representing the legend box in the chart. |
getDrawArea | (Self) | Retrieves the internal DrawArea object that is used to draw the chart. |
addText | (Self) | Adds a text box to the chart. |
addTable | (Self) | Adds a CDML table to the chart. |
addLine | (Self) | Adds a line to the chart. |
addExtraField | (Self) | Adds an array of text to be used as an extra field in various places. |
addExtraField2 | (Self) | Adds an array of numbers/dates to be used as an extra field in various places. |
setColor | (Self) | Change the color at the specified position in the palette. |
setColors | (Self) | Change the colors in the palette. |
setColors2 | (Self) | Change the colors in the palette, starting from the specified position in the palette. |
getColor | (Self) | Gets the color at the specified position of the palette. |
adjustBrightness | (Self) | Creates a color that is a darkened or brightened version of the given color. |
halfColor | (Self) | Creates a color that is half the intensity of the given color. |
dashLineColor | (Self) | Creates a dash line color. |
patternColor | (Self) | Creates a pattern color using an array of colors as the bitmap pattern. |
patternColor2 | (Self) | Creates a pattern color by loading the pattern from an image file. |
linearGradientColor | (Self) | Creates a two-point linear gradient color. |
linearGradientColor2 | (Self) | Creates a multi-point linear gradient color. |
radialGradientColor | (Self) | Creates a two-point radial gradient color. |
radialGradientColor2 | (Self) | Creates a multi-point radial gradient color. |
gradientColor | (Self) | Creates a two-point linear gradient color. |
gradientColor2 | (Self) | Creates a multi-point linear gradient color. |
setDefaultFonts | (Self) | Sets the defaults for normal, bold, italic and bold-italic fonts. |
setFontTable | (Self) | Sets an entry in the font table to the specified font name. |
formatValue | (Self) | Formats a number/date using the ChartDirector formatting syntax as is in Parameter Substitution and Formatting. |
setNumberFormat | (Self) | Sets the characters used for thousand separator, decimal point, and negative sign. |
setMonthNames | (Self) | Sets the names of the months for date/time formatting purposes. |
setWeekDayNames | (Self) | Sets the names of the week days for date/time formatting purposes. |
setAMPM | (Self) | Sets the names to be used to denote morning and afternoon. |
layout | (Self) | Perform auto-scaling of the axes (if any) and compute the positions of the various objects in the chart. |
enableVectorOutput | (Self) | This method is deprecated. It has no effect and may be removed in future versions of ChartDirector. |
setOutputOptions | (Self) | Sets output format options for the next chart output. Currently, only SVG, SVGZ and PDF output formats support output options. |
makeChart | (Self) | Generates the chart image and save it into a file. |
makeChart2 | (Self) | Generates the chart as an image in memory. |
makeChart3 | (Self) | Generates the chart in internal format and return a DrawArea object to allow adding custom drawings on top of the chart. |
makeTmpFile | (Self) | Generates the chart as an image and save it to a temporary file, and automatically remove old files. |
initDynamicLayer | (Self) | Initializes a dynamic layer for drawing text and shapes. |
removeDynamicLayer | (Self) | Removes the dynamic layer if any. |
getHTMLImageMap | (Self) | Generates an HTML image map for the chart. |
getJsChartModel | (Self) | Gets the Javascript Chart Model for passing to WebChartViewer.setChartModel for the purpose of supporting track cursors in a web application. |
getChartMetrics | (Self) | Gets the chart metrics for passing to WebChartViewer.setChartMetrics to support viewports for web applications. |