ChartDirector 5.1 (PHP Edition)

Alignment Specification

In many ChartDirector objects, you may specify the alignment of the object's content relative to its boundary. For example, for a TextBox object, you may specify the text's alignment relative to the box boundary by using TextBox.setAlignment.

The ChartDirector API defines several constants for the alignment options.

BottomLeft1The leftmost point on the bottom line.
BottomCenter2The center point on the bottom line.
BottomRight3The rightmost point on the bottom line.
Left4The leftmost point on the middle horizontal line.
Center5The center point on the middle horizontal line.
Right6The rightmost point on the middle horizontal line.
TopLeft7The leftmost point on the top line.
TopCenter8The center point on the top line.
TopRight9The rightmost point on the top line.
Bottom2The center point on the bottom line. Same as BottomCenter.
Top8The center point on the top line. Same as TopCenter.
TopLeft210An alternative top-left position used in Axis.setTitlePos for axis title positioning only. For a vertical axis, TopLeft2 refers to refers to the left of the top side, while TopLeft refers to the top of the left side. The reverse applies for a horizontal axis.
TopRight211An alternative top-right position used in Axis.setTitlePos for axis title positioning only. For a vertical axis, TopRight2 refers to refers to the right of the top side, while TopRight refers to the top of the right side. The reverse applies for a horizontal axis.
BottomLeft212An alternative bottom-left position used in Axis.setTitlePos for axis title positioning only. For a vertical axis, BottomLeft2 refers to refers to the left of the bottom side, while BottomLeft refers to the bottom of the left side. The reverse applies for a horizontal axis.
BottomRight213An alternative bottom-right position used in Axis.setTitlePos for axis title positioning only. For a vertical axis, BottomRight2 refers to refers to the right of the bottom side, while BottomRight refers to the bottom of the right side. The reverse applies for a horizontal axis.