ChartDirector 5.1 (PHP Edition)



setSurfaceAxisGrid(majorXGridColor [, majorYGridColor [, minorXGridColor [, minorYGridColor ]]])


Sets the colors of the axis grid lines on the surface.

Axis grid lines are grid lines associated with the ticks on the x and y axes. Major grid lines associate with major ticks. Minor grid lines associate with minor ticks. They can be drawn on the surface of the surface chart, and on the plot region walls. This method is for the surface of the surface chart. For the plot region walls, see ThreeDChart.setWallGrid.


majorXGridColor(Mandatory)The color of the major x-axis grid lines on the surface.
majorYGridColor-1The color of the major y-axis grid lines on the surface. -1 means it is the same as the majorXGridColor.
minorXGridColor-1The color of the minor x-axis grid lines on the surface. -1 means it is the same as the majorXGridColor.
minorYGridColor-1The color of the minor y-axis grid lines on the surface. -1 means it is the same as the majorYGridColor.

Return Value
