ChartDirector 5.1 (PHP Edition)





Sets the text labels to be used on the axis.

This method is typically used in radar charts to set the angular axis to enumerated scale.

In enumerated scale, the labels are laid out evenly on the perimeter of the polar plot area. It is like the labels are at on the vertices of an n-side polygon, where n is the number of labels. Radial grid lines are drawn from the center to the vertices.

The angular coordinates of the data points are determined based on their position in the data array. The first data point will be at the same angular coordinate as the first vertex, the second data point at the second vertex, and so on.

Internally, ChartDirector will assign a value of 0 to the first axis label, 1 to the second axis label, and so on. These values are not visible. Only the axis labels are visible. However, these values may be useful for some ChartDirector features that need to reference the axis position by value, such as adding extra labels using AngularAxis.addLabel.

This method is typically used to set the x-axis to enumerated scale. In enumerated scale, the data points are associated with the x-axis by position. The first data point will be plotted at the first label position on the x-axis, the second data point at the second label position, and so on.

Enumerated axis is a very flexible axis type. It is most suitable for chart types where the data points are evenly spaced on the x-axis. The axis labels can be any text. They do not need to be numbers or dates. If they are numbers or dates, you can format them in any way you like before calling this method.

Internally, ChartDirector will assign a value of 0 to the first axis label, 1 to the second axis label, and so on. These values are not visible. Only the axis labels are visible. However, these values may be useful for some ChartDirector features that need to reference the axis position by value, such as adding mark lines using Axis.addMark.

By default, all axis labels will be associated with a radial grid line. To disable the grid line, use '-' or '~' as the first character of the label. The leading '-' or '~' character will not be displayed, but is just a signal to disable the grid line. If you want have a label that actually begins with '-' or '~', you may start the label with '\-' or '\~' instead.


text(Mandatory)An array of strings containing the text of the labels.

Return Value

A TextBox object representing the prototype of the axis labels. This may be used to fine-tune the appearance of the axis labels.