ChartDirector 5.1 (.NET Edition)



[VB] Public Function getXCoor(v As Double) As Integer
[C#] public int getXCoor(double v);


Gets the x pixel coordinate given the x data value.

This method only accepts numeric values as input. If the axis scale is a date/time scale, and you are using a DateTime value, please use Chart.CTime to convert it to a number.

Note: This method should be used only after ChartDirector has output the chart image, or after XYChart.layoutAxes, BaseChart.layout or XYChart.packPlotArea has been called. ChartDirector needs to perform auto- scaling and layout the axis before it can convert between pixel coordinates and data values.

For an XYChart with 3D layers, this method will get the pixel coordinate of the data value on the top layer of the chart. Use Layer.getXCoor to obtain the pixel coordinate of the data value on a particular chart layer.


v(Mandatory)The x data value.

Return Value

The x pixel coordinate of the x data value.