The followings are members specific to the WinChartViewer control. Members inherited from the .NET PictureBox control are omitted. Please refer to Microsoft documentation for members of the .NET PictureBox control.
Name | Description |
Chart | Gets or sets a BaseChart object to be used with the ChartViewer. |
Image | Gets or sets the chart image to view. |
ChartSizeMode | Determine the sizing method of the WinChartViewer control. |
ImageMap | Gets or sets the image map that defines the hot spots on the chart image. |
DefaultToolTip | Gets or sets the tool tip to display when the mouse is over the WinChartViewer control but not over a hot spot. If the mouse cursor is over a hot spot, the tool tip specified in the image map will be displayed instead. |
AutomaticDelay | Gets or sets the automatic delay (in milliseconds) of the tool tip. |
AutoPopDelay | Gets or sets the period of time (in milliseconds) that the tool tip remains visible if the mouse cursor is stationary. |
InitialDelay | Gets or sets the period of time (in milliseconds) that passes before the tool tip appears. |
ReshowDelay | Gets or sets the length of time (in milliseconds) that must transpire before subsequent tool tip windows can appear as the mouse cursor moves from one tool tip location to another. |
ChartMouseX | Gets the mouse cursor x-coordinate in the chart pixel coordinate system. |
ChartMouseY | Gets the mouse cursor y-coordinate in the chart pixel coordinate system. |
PlotAreaMouseX | Gets the mouse cursor x-coordinate on the plot area in the chart pixel coordinate system. |
PlotAreaMouseY | Gets the mouse cursor y-coordinate on the plot area in the chart pixel coordinate system. |
ViewPortLeft | Gets or sets the position of the left side of the view port. |
ViewPortTop | Gets or sets the position of the top side of the view port. |
ViewPortWidth | Gets or sets the width of the view port. |
ViewPortHeight | Gets or sets the height of the view port. |
MouseUsage | Gets or sets the mouse usage mode. |
ZoomDirection | Gets or sets the zoom direction for mouse zoom in/out actions. |
ScrollDirection | Gets or sets the scroll direction for mouse scroll actions. |
ZoomInRatio | Gets or sets the magnification ratio for each zoom in click of the mouse. |
ZoomOutRatio | Gets or sets the magnification ratio for each zoom out click of the mouse. |
ZoomInWidthLimit | Gets or sets the view port width at maximum zoom in. |
ZoomOutWidthLimit | Gets or sets the view port width at maximum zoom out. |
ZoomInHeightLimit | Gets or sets the view port height at maximum zoom in. |
ZoomOutHeightLimit | Gets or sets the view port height at maximum zoom out. |
MinimumDrag | Gets or sets the minimum mouse drag distance before it is considered as an intentional drag. |
SelectionBorderWidth | Gets or sets the border width of the zoom selection box. |
SelectionBorderColor | Gets or sets the border color of the zoom selection box as a System.Drawing.Color. |
Cursor | Gets or sets the cursor that is displayed when the mouse cursor is over the WinChartViewer control but not over a normal hot spot. If the mouse cursor is over a normal hot spot, the WinChartViewer.HotSpotCursor will be displayed instead. |
HotSpotCursor | Gets or sets the cursor that is displayed when the mouse cursor is over a normal hot spot. |
ZoomInCursor | Gets or sets the mouse cursor to be used when the mouse is used for zoom in. |
ZoomOutCursor | Gets or sets the mouse cursor to be used when the mouse is used for zoom out. |
NoZoomCursor | Gets or sets the mouse cursor to be used when the mouse is used for zoom in/out, but the zoom in/out limits has been reached. |
ScrollCursor | Gets or sets the mouse cursor to be used when the mouse is used for scrolling. |
UpdateInterval | Gets or sets the minimum gap interval between two ViewPortChanged events in milliseconds. |
IsMouseOnPlotArea | Checks if the mouse cursor is on the extended plot area. |
IsInMouseMoveEvent | Checks if the current code is executing in a MouseMoveChart or MouseMovePlotArea event. |
IsInViewPortChangedEvent | Checks if the current code is executing in a ViewPortChanged event. |
Note: Properties inherited from System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox are omitted. |
Name | Description |
MouseMoveChart | This event occurs when the mouse cursor moves over the chart. |
MouseLeaveChart | This event occurs when the mouse cursor leaves the chart. |
MouseMovePlotArea | This event occurs when the mouse cursor moves over the extended plot area. |
MouseLeavePlotArea | This event occurs when the mouse cursor leaves the extended plot area. |
ClickHotSpot | This event occurs when the mouse clicks on a hot spot on the chart image. |
DoubleClickHotSpot | This event occurs when the mouse double clicks on a hot spot on the chart image. |
MouseEnterHotSpot | This event occurs when the mouse cursor enters a hot spot on the chart image. |
MouseMoveHotSpot | This event occurs when the mouse cursor moves over a hot spot on the chart image. |
MouseHoverHotSpot | This event occurs when the mouse cursor hovers a hot spot on the chart image. |
MouseLeaveHotSpot | This event occurs when the mouse cursor leaves a hot spot on the chart image. |
MouseDownHotSpot | This event occurs when the mouse cursor is over a hot spot on the chart image and the mouse button is pressed. |
MouseUpHotSpot | This event occurs when the mouse cursor is over a hot spot on the chart image and the mouse button is released. |
ViewPortChanged | This event occurs when the view port is changed through mouse actions, or when WinChartViewer.updateViewPort is called. |
SelectionChanged | This event occurs when the user is selecting a region on the chart using "drag to select" mouse actions. |
Note: Events inherited from System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox are omitted. |