ChartDirector 5.1 (.NET Edition)



[VB] Public Sub setShadingMode(shadingMode As Integer [, wireWidth As Integer ])
[C#] public void setShadingMode(int shadingMode [, int wireWidth ]);


Sets the shading mode for the surface.

ChartDirector supports the following methods for shading the surface.

SmoothShading0The brightness of the surface varies smoothly.
TriangularShading0The surface is divided into triangular patches. The brightness of the patches varies according to their orientation. Within a patch, the brightness is constant.
RectangularShading0The surface is divided into rectangular patches. The brightness of the patches varies according to their orientation. Within a patch, the brightness is constant.
TriangularFrame0The surface is divided into triangular patches. Only the edges of the patches are drawn.
RectangularFrame0The surface is divided into rectangular patches. Only the edges of the patches are drawn.


shadingMode(Mandatory)The shading mode, which must be one of the above constants.
wireWidth1The wire width for use with wireframe shading modes.

Return Value
