ChartDirector 5.1 (.NET Edition)


The Sector class represents sectors. The Sector object is obtained using PieChart.getSector.

setExplode(Self)Explode the sector.
setLabelStyle(Self)Sets the style used to draw the sector label.
setLabelFormat(Self)Sets the format of the sector label.
setLabelLayout(Self)Sets the layout method and location of the sector label.
setLabelPos(Self)Sets the circular label layout method, and configure the join lines used to connect the sector label to the sector perimeter.
setJoinLine(Self)Sets the color and width of the join line used to connect the sector label to the sector perimeter.
setColor(Self)Sets the fill color, edge color and join line color of the sector.
setStyle(Self)Sets the sector shading style, edge color and edge width.
getImageCoor(Self)Gets the image map coordinates of the sector as HTML image map attributes.
getLabelCoor(Self)Gets the image map coordinates of the sector label as HTML image map attributes.