ChartDirector 5.1 (.NET Edition)



[VB] Public Sub setLineColor(edgeColor As Integer [, joinLineColor As Integer ])
[C#] public void setLineColor(int edgeColor [, int joinLineColor ]);


Sets the sector edge color and join line color.

This method affects all sectors. To set the sector label position and join line color for one particular sector, use Sector.setColor.


edgeColor(Mandatory)The colors for the edges of the sectors. By default, the edge color is SameAsMainColor, which means the edge color is the same as the fill color of the sector, and the sector will appear borderless.
joinLineColor-1The color of the line that join the sector perimeter with the sector label. By default, for circular label layout, the join line color is Transparent. For side label layout, the join line color is SameAsMainColor.

Return Value
