ChartDirector 5.1 (.NET Edition)



[VB] Public Sub setShape(pointerType As Integer [, lengthRatio As Double [, widthRatio As Double ]])
[C#] public void setShape(int pointerType [, double lengthRatio [, double widthRatio ]]);


Sets the shape of the meter pointer to one of the built-in shapes.

The built-in symbols are specified by using the following predefined constants as the pointerType argument.

DiamondPointer0The blue pointers in the meters above.
TriangularPointer1The purple pointers in the meters above.
ArrowPointer2The red pointers in the meters above.
ArrowPointer23The yellow pointers in the meters above.
LinePointer4The green pointers in the meters above.
PencilPointer5The grey pointers in the meters above.

The length and width of the pointer can be scaled by using the lengthRatio and widthRatio arguments. The meters above are using default length and width ratios, which are both 1 for angular meters, and 0.75 and 1 for linear meters.


pointerType(Mandatory)One of the predefined pointer shape constants to specify the pointer shape to use.
lengthRatioNoValueThe length ratio applies to the pointer. NoValue means the lengthRatio is not modified. The default is 1.0 for angular meters and 0.75 for linear meters.
widthRatioNoValueThe width ratio applies to the pointer. NoValue means the widthRatio is not modified. The default is 1.0.

Return Value
