ChartDirector 5.1 (.NET Edition)



[VB] Public Function addDataSet(data As Double() [, color As Integer [, name As String ]]) As ChartDirector.DataSet
[C#] public ChartDirector.DataSet addDataSet(double[] data [, int color [, string name ]]);


Adds a data set to the chart layer.


data(Mandatory)An array of numbers representing the data set.
color-1The color to draw the data item. -1 means that the color is automatically selected from the palette.
name""The name of the data set. The name will be used in the legend box, if one is available. An empty string means the data set has no name.

Return Value

A DataSet object representing the data set added. You may use the methods of this object to fine-tune how the data set is drawn on the chart.