ChartDirector 5.1 (.NET Edition)



[VB] Public Sub setGapColor(gapColor12 As Integer [, gapColor21 As Integer ])
[C#] public void setGapColor(int gapColor12 [, int gapColor21 ]);


Sets the color used to fill the area under NoValue data points.

By default, if there are NoValue data points on the lines, ChartDirector will interpolate across the points. The region will remain continuous.

This method can be used to set up an alternative colors to represent the regions at NoValue data point positions. In particular, if the colors are set to Transparent, the NoValue data points will result in gaps in the fill region.


gapColor12(Mandatory)The color used to fill the region under NoValue positions when value of the first line is greater of the value of the second line.
gapColor21-1The color used to fill the region under NoValue positions when value of the second line is greater of the value of the first line. -1 means it is the same as gapColor12.

Return Value
