ChartDirector 5.1 (.NET Edition)



[VB] Public Sub surface(x1 As Double, y1 As Double, x2 As Double, y2 As Double, depthX As Integer, depthY As Integer, edgeColor As Integer, fillColor As Integer)
[C#] public void surface(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, int depthX, int depthY, int edgeColor, int fillColor);


Draws a parallelogram.


x1(Mandatory)The x coordinate of the first end-point of one line of the parallelogram.
y1(Mandatory)The y coordinate of the first end-point of one line of the parallelogram.
x2(Mandatory)The x coordinate of the second end-point of one line of the parallelogram.
y2(Mandatory)The y coordinate of the second end-point of one line of the parallelogram.
depthX(Mandatory)The x displacement of the line segment that is parallel to the line segment above.
depthY(Mandatory)The y displacement of the line segment that is parallel to the line segment above.
edgeColor(Mandatory)The border color. To disable border, set the edgeColor the same as the fillColor.
fillColor(Mandatory)The fill color. To disable filling, set the fillColor to Transparent.

Return Value
