ChartDirector 5.1 (.NET Edition)



[VB] Public Sub cylinder(cx As Integer, cy As Integer, rx As Integer, ry As Integer, a1 As Double, a2 As Double, depthX As Integer, depthY As Integer, edgeColor As Integer, fillColor As Integer)
[C#] public void cylinder(int cx, int cy, int rx, int ry, double a1, double a2, int depthX, int depthY, int edgeColor, int fillColor);


Draws a cylinder surface as the area spanned by moving an arc.


cx(Mandatory)The x coordinate of the center of the circle or ellipse for the arc.
cy(Mandatory)The y coordinate of the center of the circle or ellipse for the arc.
rx(Mandatory)The horizontal radius of the circle or ellipse.
ry(Mandatory)The vertical radius of the circle or ellipse.
a1(Mandatory)The start angle of the arc. The angle is measured clockwise, with 0 degree being the upward pointing direction.
a2(Mandatory)The end angle of the arc. The angle is measured clockwise, with 0 degree being the upward pointing direction.
depthX(Mandatory)The x displacement representing the motion of the arc to span the cylinder.
depthY(Mandatory)The y displacement representing the motion of the arc to span the cylinder.
edgeColor(Mandatory)The border color. To disable border, set the edgeColor the same as the fillColor.
fillColor(Mandatory)The fill color. To disable filling, set the fillColor to Transparent.

Return Value
