ChartDirector 5.1 (.NET Edition)


ChartDirector.Chart is a class used to contain static ChartDirector functions and constants. In effect, this class is used as a namespace for these functions and constants. (A real namespace is not used because in .NET, a namespace cannot contain functions.)

As ChartDirector.Chart is merely used as a namespace, it is never needed to create any ChartDirector.Chart object. Just use Chart.{function_name} or Chart.{constant_name} to access the static functions and constants.

For example, to access the NoValue predefined constant, simply use Chart.NoValue.

NoValueA constant equals to 1.7E+308 to represent missing values in ChartDirector.
BottomLeftA constant equals to 1 to represent the bottom left position.
BottomCenterA constant equals to 2 to represent the bottom center position.
BottomRightA constant equals to 3 to represent the bottom right position.
LeftA constant equals to 4 to represent the left position.
CenterA constant equals to 5 to represent the center position.
RightA constant equals to 6 to represent the right position.
TopLeftA constant equals to 7 to represent the top left position.
TopCenterA constant equals to 8 to represent the top center position.
TopRightA constant equals to 9 to represent the top right position.
BottomA constant equals to 2 to represent the bottom position.
TopA constant equals to 8 to represent the top position.
TopLeft2A constant equals to 10 to represent the alternative exterior top left position.
TopRight2A constant equals to 11 to represent the alternative exterior top right position.
BottomLeft2A constant equals to 12 to represent the alternative exterior bottom left position.
BottomRight2A constant equals to 13 to represent the alternative exterior bottom right position.
TransparentA constant equals to FF000000 (in hex) to represent the transparent color.
BackgroundColorA constant equals to FFFF0000 (in hex) to represent the background color.
LineColorA constant equals to FFFF0001 (in hex) to represent the default line color.
TextColorA constant equals to FFFF0002 (in hex) to represent the default text color.
SameAsMainColorA constant equals to FFFF0007 (in hex) to represent the current main color.
PaletteA constant equals to FFFF0000 (in hex) to represent the starting index of the color palette.
DataColorA constant equals to FFFF0008 (in hex) to represent the starting index of automatic data color.
defaultPaletteA constant array of integers to represent the default palette.
whiteOnBlackPaletteA constant array of integers to represent the white on black palette.
transparentPaletteA constant array of integers to represent the semi-transparent palette.
NormalGlareA constant equals to 3 to represent using normal glare strength in Chart.glassEffect shading style.
ReducedGlareA constant equals to 2 to represent using reduced glare strength in Chart.glassEffect shading style.
NoGlareA constant equals to 1 to represent disabling the glare in Chart.glassEffect shading style.
DashLineA constant equals to 0505 (in hex) to represent a dash line pattern for use in dash colors.
DotLineA constant equals to 0202 (in hex) to represent a dotted line pattern for use in dash colors.
DotDashLineA constant equals to 05050205 (in hex) to represent a dot-dash line pattern for use in dash colors.
AltDashLineA constant equals to 0A050505 (in hex) to represent a alternating long/short dash line pattern for use in dash colors.
goldGradientA constant array of integers to represent a gradient that looks like a golden color.
silverGradientA constant array of integers to represent a gradient that looks like a silver color.
redMetalGradientA constant array of integers to represent a gradient that looks like a red metallic color.
blueMetalGradientA constant array of integers to represent a gradient that looks like a blue metallic color.
greenMetalGradientA constant array of integers to represent a gradient that looks like a green metallic color.
SquareShapeA constant equals to 1 to represent a square.
DiamondShapeA constant equals to 2 to represent a diamond shape.
TriangleShapeA constant equals to 3 to represent a triangle pointing upwards.
RightTriangleShapeA constant equals to 4 to represent a triangle pointing rightwards.
LeftTriangleShapeA constant equals to 5 to represent a triangle pointing leftwards.
InvertedTriangleShapeA constant equals to 6 to represent a triangle pointing downwards.
CircleShapeA constant equals to 7 to represent a circle.
GlassSphereShapeA constant equals to 15 to represent a glass sphere.
GlassSphere2ShapeA constant equals to 16 to represent a bright glass sphere.
SolidSphereShapeA constant equals to 17 to represent a solid sphere.
DefaultShadingA constant equals to 0 to represent default sector shading style.
FlatShadingA constant equals to 1 to represent flat sector shading style.
LocalGradientShadingA constant equals to 2 to represent local gradient sector shading style.
GlobalGradientShadingA constant equals to 3 to represent global gradient sector shading style.
ConcaveShadingA constant equals to 4 to represent concave sector shading style.
RoundedEdgeShadingA constant equals to 6 to represent rounded edge sector shading style.
RadialShadingA constant equals to 7 to represent radial sector shading style.
RingShadingA constant equals to 8 to represent ring sector shading style.
SmoothShadingA constant equals to 0 to represent smooth surface shading style.
TriangularShadingA constant equals to 1 to represent triangular surface shading style.
RectangularShadingA constant equals to 2 to represent rectangular surface shading style.
TriangularFrameA constant equals to 3 to represent triangular frame only surface shading style.
RectangularFrameA constant equals to 4 to represent rectangular frame only surface shading style.
DiamondPointerA constant equals to 0 to represent the diamond style meter pointer.
TriangularPointerA constant equals to 1 to represent the triangular style meter pointer.
ArrowPointerA constant equals to 2 to represent the arrow style meter pointer.
ArrowPointer2A constant equals to 3 to represent the alternative arrow style meter pointer.
LinePointerA constant equals to 4 to represent the line style meter pointer.
PencilPointerA constant equals to 5 to represent the pencil style meter pointer.
PNGA constant equals to 0 to represent the PNG image format.
GIFA constant equals to 1 to represent the GIF image format.
JPGA constant equals to 2 to represent the JPG image format.
BMPA constant equals to 4 to represent the BMP image format.
WMPA constant equals to 3 to represent the WAP bitmap image format.
SVGA constant equals to 5 to represent the SVG image format.
SVGZA constant equals to 5 to represent the compressed SVG image format.
NoAntiAliasA constant equals to 0 to represent that text should be drawn without using anti-alias.
AntiAliasA constant equals to 1 to represent that text should be drawn with classical anti-alias.
AutoAntiAliasA constant equals to 2 to represent that text should be drawn with an automatically determined anti-alias method.
CompatAntiAliasA constant equals to 6 to represent that text should be drawn with an automatically determined anti-alias method that behaves the same way as in ChartDirector 5.0.x or earlier versions.
TryPaletteA constant equals to 0 to represent that palette based image format should be used if the image contains 256 colors or less.
ForcePaletteA constant equals to 1 to represent that palette based image format should always be used (dither the image if necessary).
NoPaletteA constant equals to 2 to represent that true color image format should always be used.
QuantizeA constant equals to 0 to represent that the quantize dithering method should be used if dithering is required.
OrderedDitherA constant equals to 1 to represent that the ordered dithering method should be used if dithering is required.
ErrorDiffusionA constant equals to 2 to represent that the error diffusion dithering method should be used if dithering is required.
SideLayoutA constant equals to 0 to represent the side label layout method for pie/donut charts.
CircleLayoutA constant equals to 1 to represent the circular label layout method for pie/donut charts.
SideA constant equals to 3 to represent the "Side" data representation method for multiple data sets.
StackA constant equals to 1 to represent the "Stack" data representation method for multiple data sets.
OverlayA constant equals to 0 to represent the "Overlay" data representation method for multiple data sets.
PercentageA constant equals to 4 to represent the "Percentage" data representation method for multiple data sets.
MonotonicNoneA constant equals to 0 to represent that a spline curve is not constraint to flow in any direction.
MonotonicXA constant equals to 1 to represent that a spline curve is constrained to not overshooting or undershooting in the x-axis direction.
MonotonicYA constant equals to 2 to represent that a spline curve is constrained to not overshooting or undershooting in the y-axis direction.
MonotonicXYA constant equals to 3 to represent that a spline curve is constrained to not overshooting or undershooting in both the x-axis direction and the y-axis direction.
MonotonicAutoA constant equals to 3 to represent that the system will automatically determine whether to constrained a spline curve to not overshooting or undershooting in the x-axis direction and/or the y-axis direction.
LinearRegressionA constant equals to 1 to represent that linear regression be used to draw a trend line.
ConstrainedLinearRegressionA constant equals to 0 to represent that constrained linear regression be used to draw a trend line.
ExponentialRegressionA constant equals to -1 to represent that exponential regression be used to draw a trend line.
LogarithmicRegressionA constant equals to -2 to represent that logarithmic regression be used to draw a trend line.
LogTickA constant equals to +1.6e308 to represent that the ticks in a log scale axis should be 1 - 2 - 5 - 10 style increments.
LinearTickA constant equals to +1.5E+308 to represent that the ticks in a log scale axis should be 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 style increments.
TickIncA constant equals to +1E+200 to represent the distance between major ticks.
MinorTickOnlyA constant equals to -1.7e308 to represent that the label position should contain a minor tick only.
MicroTickOnlyA constant equals to -1.6e308 to represent that the label position should contain a micro tick only.
PixelScaleA constant equals to 0 to represent that the size is measured in pixels.
XAxisScaleA constant equals to 1 to represent that the size is measured using the x-axis scale.
YAxisScaleA constant equals to 2 to represent that the size is measured using y-axis scale.
AngularAxisScaleA constant equals to 1 to represent that the size is measured using the angular-axis scale.
RadialAxisScaleA constant equals to 2 to represent that the size is measured using the radial-axis scale.
EndPointsA constant equals to 3 to represent that the vector lengths and directions are measured by specifying the end points.
DataBoundA constant equals to -1.7E-100 to represent that the interpolated z values should not exceed the minimum or maximum values of the original data.
XAxisAtOriginA constant equals to 1 to represent that the x-axis should intersect with the zero point of the y-axis if it exists on the chart.
YAxisAtOriginA constant equals to 2 to represent that the y-axis should intersect with the zero point of the x-axis if it exists on the chart.
XYAxisAtOriginA constant equals to 3 to represent that the x-axis and y-axis should intersect at the origin if it exists on the chart.
XAxisSymmetricA constant equals to 1 to represent that the x-axis should be symmetrical about the origin.
XAxisSymmetricIfNeededA constant equals to 2 to represent that the x-axis should be symmetrical about the origin if the data contain both positive and negative values.
YAxisSymmetricA constant equals to 4 to represent that the y-axis should be symmetrical about the origin.
YAxisSymmetricIfNeededA constant equals to 8 to represent that the y-axis should be symmetrical about the origin if the data contain both positive and negative values.
XYAxisSymmetricA constant equals to 16 to represent that the the x-axis and y-axis should be symmetrical about the origin.
XYAxisSymmetricIfNeededA constant equals to 32 to represent that the x-axis and y-axis should be symmetrical about the origin if the data contain both positive and negative values.
NormalLegendA constant equals to 0 to represent that the legend keys order should follow the creation order of the data sets.
ReverseLegendA constant equals to 1 to represent that the legend keys order is the reverse of the creation order of the data sets.
NoLegendA constant equals to 2 to represent that no legend keys should be added to the legend box.
AutoGridA constant equals to -2 to represent that the number of columns in the legend box with grid layout is automatically determine.
ChartBackZA constant equals to 100 (in hex) to represent the z-order of the back surface of the chart.
ChartFrontZA constant equals to ffff (in hex) to represent the z-order of the front surface of the chart.
PlotAreaZA constant equals to 1000 (in hex) to represent the z-order of the plot area back surface of the chart.
GridLinesZA constant equals to 2000 (in hex) to represent the z-order of the grid lines of the chart.
TouchBarA constant equals to -1.7e-100 to represent that the bars in a bar layer should touch each others with no gap in between.
HLOCDefaultA constant equals to 0 to represent that the HLOC symbols should be drawn using the same color.
HLOCOpenCloseA constant equals to 1 to represent that the HLOC symbols should be drawn using two alternative colors based on whether the closing price is higher than the opening price.
HLOCUpDownA constant equals to 2 to represent that the HLOC symbols should be drawn using two alternative colors based on whether the closing price is higher than the previous closing price.
AggregateSumA constant equals to 0 to represent using the sum as the aggregated value in ArrayMath.aggregate.
AggregateAvgA constant equals to 1 to represent using the average as the aggregated value in ArrayMath.aggregate.
AggregateStdDevA constant equals to 2 to represent using the standard deviation as the aggregated value in ArrayMath.aggregate.
AggregateMinA constant equals to 3 to represent using the minimum value as the aggregated value in ArrayMath.aggregate.
AggregateMedA constant equals to 4 to represent using the median value as the aggregated value in ArrayMath.aggregate.
AggregateMaxA constant equals to 5 to represent using the maximum value as the aggregated value in ArrayMath.aggregate.
AggregatePercentileA constant equals to 6 to represent using the percentile value as the aggregated value in ArrayMath.aggregate.
AggregateFirstA constant equals to 7 to represent using the first value as the aggregated value in ArrayMath.aggregate.
AggregateLastA constant equals to 8 to represent using the last value as the aggregated value in ArrayMath.aggregate.
AggregateCountA constant equals to 9 to represent using the item count as the aggregated value in ArrayMath.aggregate.
BoxFilterA constant equals to 0 to represent a Box graphical re-sampling filter.
LinearFilterA constant equals to 1 to represent a Linear graphical re-sampling filter.
QuadraticFilterA constant equals to 2 to represent a Quadratic graphical re-sampling filter.
BSplineFilterA constant equals to 3 to represent a B-spline graphical re-sampling filter.
HermiteFilterA constant equals to 4 to represent a Hermite graphical re-sampling filter.
CatromFilterA constant equals to 5 to represent a Catrom graphical re-sampling filter.
MitchellFilterA constant equals to 6 to represent a Mitchell graphical re-sampling filter.
SincFilterA constant equals to 7 to represent a Sinc graphical re-sampling filter.
LanczosFilterA constant equals to 8 to represent a Lanczos graphical re-sampling filter.
GaussianFilterA constant equals to 9 to represent a Gaussian graphical re-sampling filter.
HanningFilterA constant equals to 10 to represent a Hanning graphical re-sampling filter.
HammingFilterA constant equals to 11 to represent a Hamming graphical re-sampling filter.
BlackmanFilterA constant equals to 12 to represent a Blackman graphical re-sampling filter.
BesselFilterA constant equals to 13 to represent a Bessel graphical re-sampling filter.

ClearTypeColorGets a value to represent that standard ClearType technology be used for font rendering.
ClearTypeMonoGets a value to represent that hardware independent ClearType technology be used for font rendering.
setLicenseCodeSets the license code into ChartDirector.
getVersionGets ChartDirector version information.
getBootLogA diagnostic function to obtain the ChartDirector boot log.
testFontA diagnostic function to perform a font loading test.
chartTimeObtain the second elapsed since 01-01-0001 00:00:00 to the given time, which is the date/time format used by ChartDirector.
chartTime2Converts a UNIX time (seconds elapsed since 01-01-1970 00:00:00 GMT) to the date/time format used by ChartDirector.
getChartYMDGets the year, month and day represented by a ChartDirector date/time.
getChartWeekDayGets the weekday represented by a ChartDirector date/time.
CTimeConverts a .NET DateTime to ChartDirector's date/time format.
CTime2Converts an array of .NET DateTime objects to ChartDirector's date/time format.
NTimeConverts a date/time in ChartDirector's date/time format to a .NET DateTime object.
NTime2Converts an array of dates/times in ChartDirector's date/time format to .NET DateTime objects.
goldColorCreates a golden color, most commonly used as a background color.
silverColorCreates a silver color, most commonly used as a background color.
metalColorCreates a color by modulates the brightness of another color to create metallic shiny effects.
brushedGoldColorCreates a brushed golden color, most commonly used as a background color.
brushedSilverColorCreates a brushed silver color, most commonly used as a background color.
brushedMetalColorCreates a color by modulates the brightness of another color to create brushed metallic shiny effects.
CColorConverts a .NET System.Drawing.Color object to a ChartDirector color.
CColor2Converts an array of .NET System.Drawing.Color objects to an array of ChartDirector colors.
NColorConverts a ChartDirector color to a .NET System.Drawing.Color object.
NColor2Converts an array of ChartDirector colors to an array of .NET System.Drawing.Color objects.
glassEffectA complex shading effect that emulates tinted glass or semi-transparent plastic material.
softLightingA special shading effect that looks like gradient coloring.
barLightingA special shading effect for rectangular and polygonal bars on a BarLayer. It shades all surfaces of a 2D or 3D bar with gradient colors.
cylinderEffectA special shading effect that emulates the lighting of a cylinder surface.
phongLightingSets the parameters for the phong lighting effect.
PolygonShapeGets the shape id that represents a polygon.
Polygon2ShapeGets the shape id that represents a polygon in an alternative orientation.
StarShapeGets the shape id that represents a star shape.
CrossShapeGets the shape id that represents a '+' shape.
Cross2ShapeGets the shape id that represents a 'X' shape.
PolynomialRegressionSets the degree of the polynomial regression to be used in a trend layer.
StartOfHourFilterCreates a data filter that matches date/times that represent the start of a new hour in a date/time series.
StartOfDayFilterCreates a data filter that matches date/times that represent the start of a new day in a date/time series.
StartOfWeekFilterCreates a data filter that matches date/times that represent the start of a new week in a date/time series.
StartOfMonthFilterCreates a data filter that matches date/times that represent the start of a new month in a date/time series.
StartOfYearFilterCreates a data filter that matches date/times that represent the start of a new year in a date/time series.
RegularSpacingFilterCreates a data filter that matches 1 out of every N elements.
AllPassFilterCreates a data filter that matches every element.
NonePassFilterCreates a data filter that matches no element.
SelectItemFilterCreates a data filter that matches the specified item.
bSearchUses binary search to search for a value in an array.
arraySliceCreates a new array with the elements copied from a part of a given array.