ChartDirector 5.1 (.NET Edition)



[VB] Public Function makeChart2(format As Integer) As Byte()
[C#] public byte[] makeChart2(int format);


Generates the chart as an image in memory.

This method is most often used to output the chart directly to an HTTP stream.

ChartDirector supports PNG, JPG, GIF, WBMP and BMP formats, denoted by the following predefined constants:

PNG0The PNG format.
GIF1The GIF format.
JPG2The JPEG format.
WMP3The WAP bitmap format.
BMP4The BMP format.
SVG5The SVG format.
SVGZ6The compressed SVG format.

Note: To output true vector graphics in SVG or SVGZ format, please ensure BaseChart.enableVectorOutput is called immediately after creating the BaseChart object. Otherwise the output will be a bitmap image embedded in SVG or SVGZ.


format(Mandatory)A constant representing the format of the image.

Return Value

A byte array containing the binary image of the chart in the requested format.