Creates a multi-point linear gradient color.
In this method, the color points are defined as an array of positions and colors along a reference line segment, in the following format:
position0, color0, position1, color1, .... positionN, colorN
The positions are specified as a number from 0 - 256 (0 - 100 in hex), in which 0 represents the starting point of the reference line segment, and 256 (100 in hex) represents the ending point of the reference line segment.
For example, the array (in hex):
000000, FF0000, 000080, FFFF00, 000100, 00FF00
means the starting point (000000) is red (FF0000), the mid-point (000080 in hex) is yellow (FFFF00), and the ending point (000100 in hex) is green (00FF00).
One common usage of multi-point gradient colors is to define colors that have metallic look and feel. ChartDirector comes from several predefined gradient color arrays as follows.
Name | Value (in Hex) |
goldGradient | 000000, FFE743, 000060, FFFFE0, 0000B0, FFF0B0, 000100, FFE743 |
silverGradient | 000000, C8C8C8, 000060, F8F8F8, 0000B0, E0E0E0, 000100, C8C8C8 |
redMetalGradient | 000000, E09898, 000060, FFF0F0, 0000B0, F0D8D8, 000100, E09898 |
greenMetalGradient | 000000, 98E098, 000060, F0FFF0, 0000B0, D8F0D8, 000100, 98E098 |
blueMetalGradient | 000000, 9898E0, 000060, F0F0FF, 0000B0, D8D8F0, 000100, 9898E0 |
A 32-bit integer representing the linear gradient color.
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