ChartDirector 5.1 (.NET Edition)



[VB] Public Sub setDateScale2(lowerLimit As {double | DateTime}, upperLimit As {double | DateTime}, labels() As String)
[C#] public void setDateScale2({double | DateTime} lowerLimit, {double | DateTime} upperLimit, string[] labels);


Sets the axis to use the given date scale and the given labels.


lowerLimit(Mandatory)The lower bound of the axis, representing using one of the ChartDirector supported date format.
upperLimit(Mandatory)The upper bound of the axis, representing using one of the ChartDirector supported date format.
labels(Mandatory)An array of text strings to be used as the labels on the axis. ChartDirector will distribute the labels evenly on the axis. By default, all labels are associated with major ticks. These can be modified by using '-' or '~' as the first character. Please refer to Axis.setLabels for details.

Return Value
