ChartDirector 7.0 (Python Edition)
3D Scatter Groups
Source Code Listing
# The ChartDirector for Python module is assumed to be in "../lib"
import sys, os
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join(os.path.abspath(sys.path[0]), "..", "lib"))
from pychartdir import *
# The random XYZ data for the first 3D scatter group
r0 = RanSeries(7)
xData0 = r0.getSeries2(100, 100, -10, 10)
yData0 = r0.getSeries2(100, 0, 0, 20)
zData0 = r0.getSeries2(100, 100, -10, 10)
# The random XYZ data for the second 3D scatter group
r1 = RanSeries(4)
xData1 = r1.getSeries2(100, 100, -10, 10)
yData1 = r1.getSeries2(100, 0, 0, 20)
zData1 = r1.getSeries2(100, 100, -10, 10)
# The random XYZ data for the third 3D scatter group
r2 = RanSeries(8)
xData2 = r2.getSeries2(100, 100, -10, 10)
yData2 = r2.getSeries2(100, 0, 0, 20)
zData2 = r2.getSeries2(100, 100, -10, 10)
# Create a ThreeDScatterChart object of size 800 x 520 pixels
c = ThreeDScatterChart(800, 520)
# Add a title to the chart using 20 points Times New Roman Italic font
c.addTitle("3D Scatter Groups ", "Times New Roman Italic", 20)
# Set the center of the plot region at (350, 240), and set width x depth x height to 360 x 360 x 270
# pixels
c.setPlotRegion(350, 240, 360, 360, 270)
# Set the elevation and rotation angles to 15 and 30 degrees
c.setViewAngle(15, 30)
# Add a legend box at (640, 180)
c.addLegend(640, 180)
# Add 3 scatter groups to the chart with 9 pixels glass sphere symbols of red (ff0000), green
# (00ff00) and blue (0000ff) colors
c.addScatterGroup(xData0, yData0, zData0, "Alpha", GlassSphere2Shape, 9, 0xff0000)
c.addScatterGroup(xData1, yData1, zData1, "Beta", GlassSphere2Shape, 9, 0x00ff00)
c.addScatterGroup(xData2, yData2, zData2, "Gamma", GlassSphere2Shape, 9, 0x0000ff)
# Set the x, y and z axis titles
c.xAxis().setTitle("X-Axis Place Holder")
c.yAxis().setTitle("Y-Axis Place Holder")
c.zAxis().setTitle("Z-Axis Place Holder")
# Output the chart