ChartDirector 7.0 (Python Edition)
Argument | Default | Description |
yearFormat | (Mandatory) | The format for displaying labels on an axis with yearly ticks. The default is "{value|yyyy}". |
firstMonthFormat | (Mandatory) | The format for displaying labels on an axis with monthly ticks. This parameter applies to the first available month of a year (usually January) only, so it can be formatted differently from the other labels. The default is "<*font=bold*>{value|mmm yy}". |
otherMonthFormat | (Mandatory) | The format for displaying labels on an axis with monthly ticks. This parameter applies to months other than the first available month of a year. The default is "{value|mmm}". |
firstDayFormat | (Mandatory) | The format for displaying labels on an axis with daily ticks. This parameter applies to the first available day of a month only, so it can be formatted differently from the other labels. The default is "<*font=bold*>{value|d mmm}". |
otherDayFormat | (Mandatory) | The format for displaying labels on an axis with daily ticks. This parameter applies to days other than the first available day of a month. The default is "{value|d}". |
firstHourFormat | (Mandatory) | The format for displaying labels on an axis with hourly resolution. This parameter applies to the first tick of a day only, so it can be formatted differently from the other labels. The default is "<*font=bold*>{value|d mmm<*br*>h:nna}". |
otherHourFormat | (Mandatory) | The format for displaying labels on an axis with hourly resolution. This parameter applies to ticks at hourly boundaries, except the first tick of a day. The default is "{value|h:nna}". |
Return Value