ChartDirector 7.0 (PHP Edition)
Bubble Chart
Source Code Listing
# The XYZ points for the bubble chart
$dataX0 = array(150, 300, 1000, 1700);
$dataY0 = array(12, 60, 25, 65);
$dataZ0 = array(20, 50, 50, 85);
$dataX1 = array(500, 1000, 1300);
$dataY1 = array(35, 50, 75);
$dataZ1 = array(30, 55, 95);
# Create a XYChart object of size 450 x 420 pixels
$c = new XYChart(450, 420);
# Set the plotarea at (55, 65) and of size 350 x 300 pixels, with a light grey border (0xc0c0c0).
# Turn on both horizontal and vertical grid lines with light grey color (0xc0c0c0)
$c->setPlotArea(55, 65, 350, 300, -1, -1, 0xc0c0c0, 0xc0c0c0, -1);
# Add a legend box at (50, 30) (top of the chart) with horizontal layout. Use 12pt Times Bold Italic
# font. Set the background and border color to Transparent.
$c->addLegend(50, 30, false, "Times New Roman Bold Italic", 12)->setBackground(Transparent);
# Add a title to the chart using 18pt Times Bold Itatic font.
$c->addTitle("Product Comparison Chart", "Times New Roman Bold Italic", 18);
# Add a title to the y axis using 12pt Arial Bold Italic font
$c->yAxis->setTitle("Capacity (tons)", "Arial Bold Italic", 12);
# Add a title to the x axis using 12pt Arial Bold Italic font
$c->xAxis->setTitle("Range (miles)", "Arial Bold Italic", 12);
# Set the axes line width to 3 pixels
# Add (dataX0, dataY0) as a scatter layer with semi-transparent red (0x80ff3333) circle symbols,
# where the circle size is modulated by dataZ0. This creates a bubble effect.
$c->addScatterLayer($dataX0, $dataY0, "Technology AAA", CircleSymbol, 9, 0x80ff3333, 0x80ff3333
# Add (dataX1, dataY1) as a scatter layer with semi-transparent green (0x803333ff) circle symbols,
# where the circle size is modulated by dataZ1. This creates a bubble effect.
$c->addScatterLayer($dataX1, $dataY1, "Technology BBB", CircleSymbol, 9, 0x803333ff, 0x803333ff
# Output the chart
$viewer = new WebChartViewer("chart1");
$viewer->setChart($c, SVG);
# Include tool tip for the chart
$viewer->setImageMap($c->getHTMLImageMap("", "",
"title='[{dataSetName}] Range = {x} miles, Capacity = {value} tons, Length = {z} meters'"));
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Bubble Chart</title>
<!-- Include ChartDirector Javascript Library to support chart interactions -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="cdjcv.js"></script>
<body style="margin:5px 0px 0px 5px">
<div style="font:bold 18pt verdana;">
Bubble Chart
<hr style="border:solid 1px #000080; background:#000080" />
<div style="font:10pt verdana; margin-bottom:1.5em">
<a href="viewsource.php?file=<?=basename(__FILE__)?>">View Chart Source Code</a>
<!-- ****** Here is the chart image ****** -->
<?php echo $viewer->renderHTML(); ?>