ChartDirector 7.0 (Perl Edition)

4D Surface Chart


This example demonstrates using 4 dimensional coordinates XYZW. The XYZ are for the positions of the data point and W is for the color.

In previous surface chart examples, the surface color is based on the Z coordinate. ChartDirector also supports using an independent coordinate W for the color. This example demonstrates 4 coloring schemes:

Source Code Listing

#!/usr/bin/perl # The ChartDirector for Perl module is assumed to be in "../lib" use File::Basename; use lib (dirname($0)."/../lib") =~ /(.*)/; use perlchartdir; sub createChart { my $chartIndex = shift; # The x and y coordinates of the grid my $dataX = [-10, -9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]; my $dataY = [-10, -9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]; # The values at the grid points. In this example, we will compute the values using the formula z # = x * sin(y) + y * sin(x). my $dataZ = [(0) x (scalar(@$dataX) * scalar(@$dataY))]; for(my $yIndex = 0; $yIndex < scalar(@$dataY); ++$yIndex) { my $y = $dataY->[$yIndex]; for(my $xIndex = 0; $xIndex < scalar(@$dataX); ++$xIndex) { my $x = $dataX->[$xIndex]; $dataZ->[$yIndex * scalar(@$dataX) + $xIndex] = $x * sin($y) + $y * sin($x); } } # Create a SurfaceChart object of size 460 x 460 pixels, with white (ffffff) background and grey # (888888) border. my $c = new SurfaceChart(460, 460, 0xffffff, 0x888888); # Add a color axis at the top center of the chart, with labels at the bottom side my $cAxis = $c->setColorAxis($c->getWidth() / 2, 10, $perlchartdir::Top, 250, $perlchartdir::Bottom); # If the color is based on the z-values, the color axis will synchronize with the z-axis. (The # Axis.syncAxis can be used to disable that.) Otherwise, the color axis will auto-scale # independently. In the latter case, we set the tick spacing to at least 20 pixels. $cAxis->setTickDensity(20); # Set flat color axis style $cAxis->setAxisBorder($perlchartdir::Transparent, 0); if ($chartIndex == 0) { # The default is to use the Z values to determine the color. $cAxis->setTitle("Color based on Z", "Arial Bold", 15); $c->setData($dataX, $dataY, $dataZ); } elsif ($chartIndex == 1) { # ChartDirector supports using an extra value (called W value) to determine the color. $cAxis->setTitle("Color based on W", "Arial Bold", 15); # Use random W values my $r = new RanSeries(5); my $dataW = $r->get2DSeries(scalar(@$dataX), scalar(@$dataY), 0.5, 9.5); $c->setData($dataX, $dataY, $dataZ, $dataW); } elsif ($chartIndex == 2) { # We can set the W values to the X coordinates. The color will then be determined by the X # coordinates. $cAxis->setTitle("Color based on X", "Arial Bold", 15); my $colorX = [(0) x scalar(@$dataZ)]; for(my $yIndex = 0; $yIndex < scalar(@$dataY); ++$yIndex) { for(my $xIndex = 0; $xIndex < scalar(@$dataX); ++$xIndex) { $colorX->[$yIndex * scalar(@$dataX) + $xIndex] = $dataX->[$xIndex]; } } $c->setData($dataX, $dataY, $dataZ, $colorX); } else { # We can set the W values to the Y coordinates. The color will then be determined by the Y # coordinates. $cAxis->setTitle("Color based on Y", "Arial Bold", 15); my $colorY = [(0) x scalar(@$dataZ)]; for(my $yIndex = 0; $yIndex < scalar(@$dataY); ++$yIndex) { for(my $xIndex = 0; $xIndex < scalar(@$dataX); ++$xIndex) { $colorY->[$yIndex * scalar(@$dataX) + $xIndex] = $dataY->[$yIndex]; } } $c->setData($dataX, $dataY, $dataZ, $colorY); } # Set the center of the plot region at (230, 250), and set width x depth x height to 240 x 240 x # 170 pixels $c->setPlotRegion(230, 250, 240, 240, 170); # Set the plot region wall thichness to 3 pixels $c->setWallThickness(3); # Set the elevation and rotation angles to 45 degrees $c->setViewAngle(45, 45); # Set the perspective level to 20 $c->setPerspective(20); # Spline interpolate data to a 50 x 50 grid for a smooth surface $c->setInterpolation(50, 50); # Add the axis titles $c->xAxis()->setTitle("X-Axis", "Arial Bold", 10); $c->yAxis()->setTitle("Y-Axis", "Arial Bold", 10); $c->zAxis()->setTitle("Z Axis", "Arial Bold", 10); # Output the chart $c->makeChart("surface4d$chartIndex.png"); } createChart(0); createChart(1); createChart(2); createChart(3);