ChartDirector 7.0 (Perl Edition)

Multi-Depth Pie Chart

This example demonstrates a 3D pie chart where sectors have different 3D heights.

Instead of using PieChart.set3D to set a single 3D depth for all sectors, in this example, PieChart.set3D2 is used to set different depths for the sectors with an array of integers.

Source Code Listing

#!/usr/bin/perl # The ChartDirector for Perl module is assumed to be in "../lib" use File::Basename; use lib (dirname($0)."/../lib") =~ /(.*)/; use perlchartdir; # The data for the pie chart my $data = [72, 18, 15, 12]; # The labels for the pie chart my $labels = ["Labor", "Machinery", "Facilities", "Computers"]; # The depths for the sectors my $depths = [30, 20, 10, 10]; # Create a PieChart object of size 360 x 300 pixels, with a light blue (DDDDFF) background and a 1 # pixel 3D border my $c = new PieChart(360, 300, 0xddddff, -1, 1); # Set the center of the pie at (180, 175) and the radius to 100 pixels $c->setPieSize(180, 175, 100); # Add a title box using 15pt Times Bold Italic font and blue (AAAAFF) as background color $c->addTitle("Project Cost Breakdown", "Times New Roman Bold Italic", 15)->setBackground(0xaaaaff); # Set the pie data and the pie labels $c->setData($data, $labels); # Draw the pie in 3D with variable 3D depths $c->set3D2($depths); # Set the start angle to 225 degrees may improve layout when the depths of the sector are sorted in # descending order, because it ensures the tallest sector is at the back. $c->setStartAngle(225); # Output the chart $c->makeChart("multidepthpie.png");