ChartDirector 7.0 (Perl Edition)
Cone Chart
Source Code Listing
# The ChartDirector for Perl module is assumed to be in "../lib"
use File::Basename;
use lib (dirname($0)."/../lib") =~ /(.*)/;
use perlchartdir;
# The data for the pyramid chart
my $data = [156, 123, 211, 179];
# The labels for the pyramid chart
my $labels = ["Funds", "Bonds", "Stocks", "Cash"];
# The semi-transparent colors for the pyramid layers
my $colors = [0x60000088, 0x6066aaee, 0x60ffbb00, 0x60ee6622];
# Create a PyramidChart object of size 480 x 400 pixels
my $c = new PyramidChart(480, 400);
# Set the cone center at (280, 180), and width x height to 150 x 300 pixels
$c->setConeSize(280, 180, 150, 300);
# Set the elevation to 15 degrees
# Set the pyramid data and labels
$c->setData($data, $labels);
# Set the layer colors to the given colors
$c->setColors2($perlchartdir::DataColor, $colors);
# Leave 1% gaps between layers
# Add labels at the left side of the pyramid layers using Arial Bold font. The labels will have 3
# lines showing the layer name, value and percentage.
$c->setLeftLabel("{label}\nUS \${value}K\n({percent}%)", "Arial Bold");
# Output the chart