ChartDirector 7.0 (Perl Edition)
get2DSeries(xLen, yLen, minValue, maxValue)
Gets an array of random numbers representing points on a 2D grid in which the difference between neighbouring points is random.
Argument | Default | Description |
xLen | (Mandatory) | The number of points in the grid in the x direction. |
yLen | (Mandatory) | The number of points in the grid in the y direction. |
minValue | (Mandatory) | The minimum value of the random number. |
maxValue | (Mandatory) | The maximum value of the random number. |
Return Value
An array of random numbers representing points on a 2D grid in which the difference between neighbouring points is random. The array will contain (xLen * yLen) elements. The element at index (y * xLen + x) represents the point at (x, y), in which x and y are integers such that 0 <= x < xLen and 0 <= y < yLen.
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