Method | Description
BaseChart.makeWebImage | Creates the chart as a ChartDirector.WebImage object. The WebImage can be assigned to a WebChartViewer or RazorChartViewer, which generates HTML representing the chart image for output to browsers.
BaseChart.makeImage | Creates the chart as a System.Drawing.Image object, which is a standard .NET object and can be used in a variety of ways. The WinChartViewer control can be used to display this object on screen.
BaseChart.makeChart | Creates the chart as an image file. See Creating Charts as Image Files for more information.
BaseChart.makeTmpFile | Creates the chart as a temporary image file. This method creates a unique temporary file in a given directory to save the chart. It automatically cleans up old temporary files at the same time.
BaseChart.makeSession | Creates the chart as an ASP.NET session variable. This avoids creating temporary files in the server, but requires the server not to disable session variables.
BaseChart.makeChart2 | Creates the chart in memory as an image. This method is typically used in web applications for direct streaming to the browser. See Direct Streaming to Browser for more information.