ChartDirector 7.1 (.NET Edition)



[C#]public int yScaleColor(double[] colorStops [, Axis yAxis ]);
[VB]Public Function yScaleColor(colorStops As Double() [, yAxis As Axis ]) As Integer


Creates a y-scale color. An y-scale is a color that will vary depending on the y value of the pixel.


colorStops(Mandatory)An array that defines the mapping from data values to colors. Please refer to ColorAxis.setColorScale for the format of this array.
yAxis[Null]The y-axis to use to determine the pixel coordinates of data values. The y-axis may be obtained using XYChart.yAxis, XYChart.yAxis2 or XYChart.addAxis. The default is to use the primary y-axis.

Return Value

A 32-bit integer representing the y scale color.