ChartDirector 7.1 (.NET Edition)



[C#]public void fillSeries2(double[] ret, int offset, int len, double startValue, double minDelta, double maxDelta [, double lowerLimit [, double upperLimit ]]);
[VB]Public Sub fillSeries2(ret As Double(), offset As Integer, len As Integer, startValue As Double, minDelta As Double, maxDelta As Double [, lowerLimit As Double [, upperLimit As Double ]])


Fill part of an array with numbers in which the difference between adjacent numbers is random.


ret(Mandatory)The array to be filled.
offset(Mandatory)The index of the array position to start filling.
len(Mandatory)The number of random values to generate.
startValue(Mandatory)The first value in the sequence.
minDelta(Mandatory)The minimum change between two consecutive numbers.
maxDelta(Mandatory)The maximum change between two consecutive numbers.
lowerLimit[-Infinity]The minimum allowed value of the numbers.
upperLimit[+Infinity]The maximum allowed value of the numbers.

Return Value
