ChartDirector 7.1 (.NET Edition)


The Axis class represents x and y axes in XY charts.

setLabelStyle(Self)Sets the font style used to for the axis labels.
setLabelFormat(Self)Sets the format for numeric or date/time axis labels.
setMultiFormat(Self)Sets multiple formats for numeric or date/time axis labels.
setMultiFormat2(Self)Adds one filter and format string to the multi-format lists.
setFormatCondition(Self)Specifies the condition that subsequent Axis.setLabelFormat and Axis.setMultiFormat will become applicable.
setLabelAlignment(Self)Sets the alignment of the axis labels relative to their associated ticks.
setLabelGap(Self)Sets the distance between the axis labels and the ticks on the axis.
setLabelOffset(Self)Shifts the axis labels from its default position along the axis.
setTitle(Self)Adds a title to the axis.
setTitlePos(Self)Sets the position of the axis title relative to the axis.
setColors(Self)Sets the colors of the axis itself, axis label, axis title and axis ticks.
setTickLength(Self)Sets the length of the axis ticks.
setTickLength2(Self)Sets the length of the major and minor axis ticks.
setTickWidth(Self)Sets the width of the axis ticks.
setTickColor(Self)Sets the colors of the axis ticks.
setTickOffset(Self)Shifts the position of the ticks along the axis.
setMinTickInc(Self)Sets the minimum distance between two ticks on the axis for auto-scaled axis.
setWidth(Self)Sets the line width of the axis.
setLength(Self)Sets the length of the axis.
setMargin(Self)Reserve margins at the ends of the axis.
setIndent(Self)Specifies if the axis should be "indented" or not.
setOffset(Self)Sets the positional offset of the axis.
setAutoScale(Self)Sets the margins at the two ends of the axis during auto-scaling, and whether to start the axis from zero.
setRounding(Self)Controls whether to round the ends of the axis to align with tick positions.
setTickDensity(Self)Sets the density of the axis ticks.
setReverse(Self)Reverse the axis.
setLabels(Self)Sets the text labels to be used on the axis.
setLabels2(Self)Sets the numeric/date/time labels to be used on the axis.
setLabelStep(Self)Shows a regularly spaced subset of the axis labels on the axis.
setLinearScale(Self)Sets the axis to use the given linear scale.
setLinearScale2(Self)Sets the axis to use the given linear scale and the given labels.
setLinearScale3(Self)Sets the axis to use linear auto-scale.
setLogScale(Self)Sets the axis to use the given logarithmic scale.
setLogScale2(Self)Sets the axis to use the given logarithmic scale and the given labels.
setLogScale3(Self)Sets the axis to use logarithmic auto-scale.
setDateScale(Self)Sets the axis to use the given date scale.
setDateScale2(Self)Sets the axis to use the given date scale and the given labels.
setDateScale3(Self)Sets the axis to use date auto-scale.
syncAxis(Self)Synchronizes and align this axis with another axis using a linear formula.
copyAxis(Self)Copies the scale and labels from another axis.
syncScale(Self)Synchronizes the scale of this axis with another axis using a linear formula.
addLabel(Self)Adds an extra label on the axis.
addMark(Self)Adds a mark line to the chart.
addZone(Self)Adds a zone to the chart.
makeLabelTable(Self)Creates a CDML table and docks it to the axis, with one row (for horizontal axis) or column (for vertical axis) containing the axis labels.
getLabelTable(Self)Gets the CDML table created by Axis.makeLabelTable.
getMinValue(Self)Gets the lower bound of the axis.
getMaxValue(Self)Gets the upper bound of the axis.
getX(Self)Gets the x-coordinate of starting point of the axis.
getY(Self)Gets the y-coordinate of starting point of the axis.
getAlignment(Self)Gets the side of the plot area that the axis is associated with.
getThickness(Self)Gets the thickness of the axis.
getTicks(Self)Gets the values of the ticks.
getLabel(Self)Gets the label at the specified position on the axis.
getFormattedLabel(Self)Gets the label at the specified position on the axis, formatting one if necessary.
getHTMLImageMap(Self)Generates an HTML image map for the axis labels.
getAxisImageMap(Self)Generates an HTML image map for the axis itself.