ChartDirector 7.0 (Java Edition)
CDML Tooltip
Source Code Listing
<%@page import="ChartDirector.*, java.util.*" %>
// Data for 4 scatter layers to demonstrate various tooltip styles
double[] dataX0 = {1, 1, 2, 2};
double[] dataY0 = {3, 4, 3, 4};
double[] dataX1 = {3, 3, 4, 4};
double[] dataY1 = {3, 4, 3, 4};
double[] dataX2 = {1, 1, 2, 2};
double[] dataY2 = {1, 2, 1, 2};
double[] dataX3 = {3, 3, 4, 4};
double[] dataY3 = {1, 2, 1, 2};
// Create a XYChart object of size 550 x 390 pixels
XYChart c = new XYChart(550, 390);
// Set the plotarea at (30, 40) and size 300 x 300 pixels. Use a gradient color background, light
// grey (c0c0c0) border, and light grey horizontal and vertical grid lines.
c.setPlotArea(30, 40, 300, 300, c.linearGradientColor(0, 30, 0, 330, 0xf9fcff, 0xaaccff), -1,
0xc0c0c0, 0xc0c0c0, 0xc0c0c0);
// Add a legend box at the right side of the plot area. Use 10pt Arial Bold font and set background
// and border colors to Transparent.
c.addLegend(c.getPlotArea().getRightX() + 20, c.getPlotArea().getTopY(), true, "Arial Bold Italic",
// Add a title to the chart using 18pt Times Bold Itatic font
c.addTitle("CDML Tooltip Demonstration", "Times New Roman Bold Italic", 18);
// Set the axes line width to 3 pixels, and ensure the auto axis labels are integers.
// Add a scatter chart layer with 19 pixel red (ff3333) sphere symbols. Use default CDML tooltip
// style.
ScatterLayer layer0 = c.addScatterLayer(dataX0, dataY0, "Default CDML Tooltip",
Chart.GlassSphere2Shape, 19, 0xff3333);
layer0.setHTMLImageMap("", "", "title='<*cdml*>{dataSetName}<*br*>X = {x}, Y = {value}'");
// Add a scatter chart layer with 19 pixel green (33ff33) sphere symbols. Cconfigure the CDML
// tooltip to use a background background with text of different colors and fonts.
ScatterLayer layer1 = c.addScatterLayer(dataX1, dataY1, "Dark Style Tooltip",
Chart.GlassSphere2Shape, 19, 0x33ff33);
layer1.setHTMLImageMap("", "",
"title='<*cdml style=\"background:#000000; padding:5px; border-radius:3px; font-size:8pt\"*>" +
"<*span style=\"font:bold italic 100% Arial; color:#FFFF00\"*>{dataSetName}<*/span*><*br*>" +
"<*span style=\"font:bold 100% Arial; color:#FFFFFF\"*>X = {x}, Y = {value}<*/span*>'");
// Add a scatter chart layer with 19 pixels sky blue (66ccff) symbols. Configure the CDML tooltip to
// ue a translucent background.
ScatterLayer layer2 = c.addScatterLayer(dataX2, dataY2, "Translucent Tooltip",
Chart.GlassSphere2Shape, 19, 0x66ccff);
layer2.setHTMLImageMap("", "",
"title='<*cdml class=\"translucentToolTip\"*><*b*><*u*>{dataSetName}<*/u*><*/b*><*br*>X = " +
"{x}, Y = {value}'");
// Add a scatter chart layer with 19 pixels sky blue (ffff00) symbols. Use standard tooltips
// provided by the GUI framework.
ScatterLayer layer3 = c.addScatterLayer(dataX3, dataY3, "Classical Tooltip",
Chart.GlassSphere2Shape, 19, 0xffff00);
layer3.setHTMLImageMap("", "", "title='[{dataSetName}] X = {x}, Y = {value}'");
// Output the chart
WebChartViewer viewer = new WebChartViewer(request, "chart1");
viewer.setChart(c, Chart.SVG);
// Include tool tip for the chart
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>CDML Tooltips</title>
<!-- Include ChartDirector Javascript Library to support chart interactions -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="cdjcv.js"></script>
.translucentToolTip { background:rgba(255,255,0,0.6); padding:5px; border-radius:3px; font:8pt Arial; }
<body style="margin:5px 0px 0px 5px">
<div style="font:bold 18pt verdana;">
CDML Tooltips
<hr style="border:solid 1px #000080; background:#000080" />
<div style="font:10pt verdana; margin-bottom:1.5em">
<a href="viewsource.jsp?file=<%=request.getServletPath()%>">View Source Code</a>
<!-- ****** Here is the chart image ****** -->
<%= viewer.renderHTML(response) %>