ChartDirector 7.1 (C++ Edition)

3D Chart Rotation

This example demonstrates how to interactively rotate a 3D chart.

ThreeDChart objects can be rotated by simply redrawing the chart with an updated rotation and/or elevation angles. For interactive rotation, some user interface is needed to change the angles. In this example, we use the chart itself as the user interface. When the user drags on the chart, the angles will be updated depending on the drag direction, and CChartViewer.updateViewPort (for MFC) or QChartViewer.updateViewPort (for Qt) will be called to trigger a redraw of the chart.

The main source code listing of this sample program is included at the end of this section. The code consists of the following main parts:

Source Code Listing

[MFC version] mfcdemo/ThreeDChartRotationDlg.cpp
// ThreeDChartRotationDlg.cpp : implementation file // #include "stdafx.h" #include "resource.h" #include "ThreeDChartRotationDlg.h" #include <math.h> #ifdef _DEBUG #define new DEBUG_NEW #endif // // Constructor // CThreeDChartRotationDlg::CThreeDChartRotationDlg(CWnd* pParent /*=NULL*/) : CDialog(IDD_THREEDCHARTROTATION, pParent) { // 3D view angles m_elevationAngle = 30; m_rotationAngle = 45; // Keep track of mouse drag m_isDragging = false; m_lastMouseX = -1; m_lastMouseY = -1; } // // Destructor // CThreeDChartRotationDlg::~CThreeDChartRotationDlg() { delete m_ChartViewer.getChart(); } void CThreeDChartRotationDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX) { CDialog::DoDataExchange(pDX); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ChartViewer, m_ChartViewer); DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CHECK1, m_DrawFrameOnRotate); } BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CThreeDChartRotationDlg, CDialog) ON_CONTROL(CVN_ViewPortChanged, IDC_ChartViewer, OnViewPortChanged) ON_CONTROL(CVN_MouseMoveChart, IDC_ChartViewer, OnMouseMoveChart) ON_CONTROL(BN_CLICKED, IDC_ChartViewer, OnMouseUpChart) END_MESSAGE_MAP() // // Initialization // BOOL CThreeDChartRotationDlg::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); // To handle mouse drags, it is necessary to enable mouse capture. By default, MFC does not // enable mouse capture. In ChartDirector, we can use MouseUsageDefaultCapture to enable it. m_ChartViewer.setMouseUsage(Chart::MouseUsageDefaultCapture); // Update the viewport to display the chart m_ChartViewer.updateViewPort(true, false); // In this example, the default is to draw wire frame on rotate m_DrawFrameOnRotate.SetCheck(1); return TRUE; } // // View port changed event // void CThreeDChartRotationDlg::OnViewPortChanged() { // Update the chart if necessary if (m_ChartViewer.needUpdateChart()) drawChart(&m_ChartViewer); } // // Draw the chart and display it in the given viewer // void CThreeDChartRotationDlg::drawChart(CChartViewer *viewer) { // The x and y coordinates of the grid double dataX[] = { -10, -9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }; const int dataXLength = (int)(sizeof(dataX) / sizeof(*dataX)); double dataY[] = { -10, -9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }; const int dataYLength = (int)(sizeof(dataY) / sizeof(*dataY)); // The values at the grid points. In this example, we will compute the values using the // formula z = x * sin(y) + y * sin(x). double dataZ[dataXLength * dataYLength]; for (int yIndex = 0; yIndex < dataYLength; ++yIndex) { double y = dataY[yIndex]; for (int xIndex = 0; xIndex < dataXLength; ++xIndex) { double x = dataX[xIndex]; dataZ[yIndex * dataXLength + xIndex] = x * sin(y) + y * sin(x); } } // Create a SurfaceChart object of size 720 x 600 pixels SurfaceChart *c = new SurfaceChart(720, 600); // Set the center of the plot region at (330, 290), and set width x depth x height to // 360 x 360 x 270 pixels c->setPlotRegion(330, 290, 360, 360, 270); // Set the data to use to plot the chart c->setData(DoubleArray(dataX, dataXLength), DoubleArray(dataY, dataYLength), DoubleArray(dataZ, dataXLength * dataYLength)); // Spline interpolate data to a 80 x 80 grid for a smooth surface c->setInterpolation(80, 80); // Set the view angles c->setViewAngle(m_elevationAngle, m_rotationAngle); // Check if draw frame only during rotation if (m_isDragging && m_DrawFrameOnRotate.GetCheck()) c->setShadingMode(Chart::RectangularFrame); // Add a color axis (the legend) in which the left center is anchored at (660, 270). Set // the length to 200 pixels and the labels on the right side. c->setColorAxis(650, 270, Chart::Left, 200, Chart::Right); // Set the x, y and z axis titles using 10 points Arial Bold font c->xAxis()->setTitle("X", "Arial Bold", 15); c->yAxis()->setTitle("Y", "Arial Bold", 15); // Set axis label font c->xAxis()->setLabelStyle("Arial", 10); c->yAxis()->setLabelStyle("Arial", 10); c->zAxis()->setLabelStyle("Arial", 10); c->colorAxis()->setLabelStyle("Arial", 10); // Output the chart delete viewer->getChart(); viewer->setChart(c); //include tool tip for the chart viewer->setImageMap(c->getHTMLImageMap("", "", "title='<*cdml*>X: {x|2}<*br*>Y: {y|2}<*br*>Z: {z|2}'")); } // // Rotate surface chart when mouse is moving over plotarea // void CThreeDChartRotationDlg::OnMouseMoveChart() { int mouseX = m_ChartViewer.getChartMouseX(); int mouseY = m_ChartViewer.getChartMouseY(); // Drag occurs if mouse button is down and the mouse is captured by the m_ChartViewer if (((GetKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) & 0x100) != 0) && (GetCapture() == &m_ChartViewer)) { if (m_isDragging) { // The chart is configured to rotate by 90 degrees when the mouse moves from // left to right, which is the plot region width (360 pixels). Similarly, the // elevation changes by 90 degrees when the mouse moves from top to buttom, // which is the plot region height (270 pixels). m_rotationAngle += (m_lastMouseX - mouseX) * 90.0 / 360; m_elevationAngle += (mouseY - m_lastMouseY) * 90.0 / 270; m_ChartViewer.updateViewPort(true, false); } // Keep track of the last mouse position m_lastMouseX = mouseX; m_lastMouseY = mouseY; m_isDragging = true; } } // // Stops dragging on mouse up // void CThreeDChartRotationDlg::OnMouseUpChart() { m_isDragging = false; m_ChartViewer.updateViewPort(true, false); }

[Qt Widgets version] qtdemo/threedchartrotation.cpp
#include <math.h> #include <QLabel> #include <QCheckBox> #include <QMouseEvent> #include "threedchartrotation.h" #include "chartdir.h" ThreeDChartRotation::ThreeDChartRotation(QWidget *parent) : QDialog(parent) { // // Set up the GUI // setFixedSize(720, 628); setWindowTitle("3D Chart Interactive Rotation"); QFrame *frame = new QFrame(this); frame->setGeometry(0, 0, 720, 28); frame->setStyleSheet("background-color:#cccccc"); m_DrawFrameOnRotate = new QCheckBox("Draw Frame On Rotate", frame); m_DrawFrameOnRotate->setGeometry(12, 4, 300, 20); m_DrawFrameOnRotate->setStyleSheet("font-size:12px Arial;"); m_DrawFrameOnRotate->setChecked(true); // Chart Viewer m_ChartViewer = new QChartViewer(this); m_ChartViewer->setGeometry(0, 28, 720, 600); connect(m_ChartViewer, SIGNAL(viewPortChanged()),SLOT(onViewPortChanged())); connect(m_ChartViewer, SIGNAL(mouseMove(QMouseEvent *)), SLOT(onMouseMoveChart(QMouseEvent *))); connect(m_ChartViewer, SIGNAL(clicked(QMouseEvent *)), SLOT(onMouseUpChart(QMouseEvent *))); // 3D view angles m_elevationAngle = 30; m_rotationAngle = 45; // Keep track of mouse drag m_isDragging = false; m_lastMouseX = -1; m_lastMouseY = -1; // Update the viewport to display the chart m_ChartViewer->updateViewPort(true, false); } ThreeDChartRotation::~ThreeDChartRotation() { delete m_ChartViewer->getChart(); } // // View port changed event // void ThreeDChartRotation::onViewPortChanged() { // Update the chart if necessary if (m_ChartViewer->needUpdateChart()) drawChart(m_ChartViewer); } // // Draw chart // void ThreeDChartRotation::drawChart(QChartViewer *viewer) { // The x and y coordinates of the grid double dataX[] = { -10, -9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }; const int dataXLength = (int)(sizeof(dataX) / sizeof(*dataX)); double dataY[] = { -10, -9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 }; const int dataYLength = (int)(sizeof(dataY) / sizeof(*dataY)); // The values at the grid points. In this example, we will compute the values using the // formula z = x * sin(y) + y * sin(x). double dataZ[dataXLength * dataYLength]; for (int yIndex = 0; yIndex < dataYLength; ++yIndex) { double y = dataY[yIndex]; for (int xIndex = 0; xIndex < dataXLength; ++xIndex) { double x = dataX[xIndex]; dataZ[yIndex * dataXLength + xIndex] = x * sin(y) + y * sin(x); } } // Create a SurfaceChart object of size 720 x 600 pixels SurfaceChart *c = new SurfaceChart(720, 600); // Set the center of the plot region at (330, 290), and set width x depth x height to // 360 x 360 x 270 pixels c->setPlotRegion(330, 290, 360, 360, 270); // Set the data to use to plot the chart c->setData(DoubleArray(dataX, dataXLength), DoubleArray(dataY, dataYLength), DoubleArray(dataZ, dataXLength * dataYLength)); // Spline interpolate data to a 80 x 80 grid for a smooth surface c->setInterpolation(80, 80); // Set the view angles c->setViewAngle(m_elevationAngle, m_rotationAngle); // Check if draw frame only during rotation if (m_isDragging && m_DrawFrameOnRotate->isChecked()) c->setShadingMode(Chart::RectangularFrame); // Add a color axis (the legend) in which the left center is anchored at (660, 270). Set // the length to 200 pixels and the labels on the right side. c->setColorAxis(650, 270, Chart::Left, 200, Chart::Right); // Set the x, y and z axis titles using 10 points Arial Bold font c->xAxis()->setTitle("X", "Arial Bold", 15); c->yAxis()->setTitle("Y", "Arial Bold", 15); // Set axis label font c->xAxis()->setLabelStyle("Arial", 10); c->yAxis()->setLabelStyle("Arial", 10); c->zAxis()->setLabelStyle("Arial", 10); c->colorAxis()->setLabelStyle("Arial", 10); // Output the chart delete viewer->getChart(); viewer->setChart(c); //include tool tip for the chart viewer->setImageMap(c->getHTMLImageMap("", "", "title='<*cdml*>X: {x|2}<*br*>Y: {y|2}<*br*>Z: {z|2}'")); } void ThreeDChartRotation::onMouseMoveChart(QMouseEvent *event) { int mouseX = m_ChartViewer->getChartMouseX(); int mouseY = m_ChartViewer->getChartMouseY(); // Drag occurs if mouse is moving and mouse button is down if (event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) { if (m_isDragging) { // The chart is configured to rotate by 90 degrees when the mouse moves from // left to right, which is the plot region width (360 pixels). Similarly, the // elevation changes by 90 degrees when the mouse moves from top to buttom, // which is the plot region height (270 pixels). m_rotationAngle += (m_lastMouseX - mouseX) * 90.0 / 360; m_elevationAngle += (mouseY - m_lastMouseY) * 90.0 / 270; m_ChartViewer->updateViewPort(true, false); } // Keep track of the last mouse position m_lastMouseX = mouseX; m_lastMouseY = mouseY; m_isDragging = true; } } void ThreeDChartRotation::onMouseUpChart(QMouseEvent *event) { if (m_isDragging && (event->button() == Qt::LeftButton)) { // mouse up means not dragging m_isDragging = false; m_ChartViewer->updateViewPort(true, false); } }