ChartDirector 7.1 (C++ Edition)


Installing ChartDirector for C++

ChartDirector for C++ is released as a zip file on Windows, and as a tar.gz file on Linux and MacOS. To install ChartDirector for C++, simply extract the files from distribution.

Running ChartDirector Sample Programs

ChartDirector for C++ comes with four sets of sample programs.

Using ChartDirector in Your Projects on Windows

When you develop a project using ChartDirector, the development environment should be configured so that it can find the ChartDirector header and library files.

Using ChartDirector in Your Projects on macOS

When you develop a project using ChartDirector, the development environment should be configured so that it can find the ChartDirector header and library files.

Using ChartDirector in Your Projects on Linux

When you develop a project using ChartDirector, the development environment should be configured so that it can find the ChartDirector header and library files.

Installing the ChartDirector License

If you have purchased a license to use ChartDirector, you should have a license key delivered to your via email and postal mail. Please install the license key as according to the following instructions.

Even without a license key, ChartDirector will work normally, but the charts will include a yellow bar at the bottom that marks the charts as produced by the "unregistered" ChartDirector. You can freely test ChartDirector for as long as necessary.

If your license key is for upgrading from a previous version of ChartDirector, please append the upgrade license key to the previous version license key, and use the combined license key.

ChartDirector Developer License

Please follow the steps below to install the license key for the "ChartDirector Developer License":

The license file should remove the "unregistered" message on the charts. If the license file appears to have no effect, please refer to for trouble-shooting instructions.

ChartDirector Redistribute License

The "ChartDirector Redistribute License" can be installed using the same method as that of the "ChartDirector Developer License". If your application is distributed as a compiled executable, you can compile the license key directly into the executable. This avoids redistributing the license file. To do this, simply add a line in your code to call Chart::setLicenseCode and pass the license key as the argument.
