[Qt Widgets version] qtdemo/crosshair.cpp
#include <QApplication>
#include "crosshair.h"
#include <sstream>
CrossHair::CrossHair(QWidget *parent) :
setWindowTitle("Crosshair with Axis Labels");
// Create the QChartViewer and draw the chart
m_ChartViewer = new QChartViewer(this);
// Set the window to be of the same size as the chart
setFixedSize(m_ChartViewer->width(), m_ChartViewer->height());
// Set up the mouseMovePlotArea handler for drawing the track cursor
connect(m_ChartViewer, SIGNAL(mouseMovePlotArea(QMouseEvent*)),
delete m_ChartViewer->getChart();
// Draw the chart and display it in the given viewer
void CrossHair::drawChart(QChartViewer *viewer)
// The XY data of the first data series
double dataX[] = {50, 55, 37, 24, 42, 49, 63, 72, 83, 59};
double dataY[] = {3.6, 2.8, 2.5, 2.3, 3.8, 3.0, 3.8, 5.0, 6.0, 3.3};
int noOfPoints = (int)(sizeof(dataX) / sizeof(*dataX));
// Create a XYChart object of size 520 x 490 pixels
XYChart *c = new XYChart(520, 490);
// Set the plotarea at (60, 40) and of size 450 x 400 pixels, with white background and a light
// grey border (0xc0c0c0). Turn on both horizontal and vertical grid lines with light grey color
// (0xc0c0c0)
c->setPlotArea(60, 40, 450, 400, 0xffffff, -1, 0xc0c0c0, 0xc0c0c0, -1);
// Add a title to the chart using 18 point Times Bold Itatic font.
c->addTitle(" Chemical X Thermal Conductivity", "Times New Roman Bold Italic", 18);
// Add titles to the axes using 12 pts Arial Bold Italic font
c->yAxis()->setTitle("Thermal Conductivity (W/K)", "Arial Bold Italic", 12);
c->xAxis()->setTitle("Concentration (g/liter)", "Arial Bold Italic", 12);
// Set the axes line width to 3 pixels
// Add a scatter layer using (dataX, dataY)
ScatterLayer *scatterLayer = c->addScatterLayer(DoubleArray(dataX, noOfPoints),
DoubleArray(dataY, noOfPoints), "", Chart::GlassSphereShape, 13, 0xcc0000);
// Tooltip for the scatter layer
scatterLayer->setHTMLImageMap("", "",
"title='<*cdml*>Concentration: {x} g/liter<*br*>Conductivity: {value} W/K'");
// Add a trend line layer for (dataX, dataY)
TrendLayer *trendLayer = c->addTrendLayer(DoubleArray(dataX, noOfPoints),
DoubleArray(dataY, noOfPoints), 0xcc0000);
// Set the line width to 3 pixels
// Add a 95% confidence band for the line
trendLayer->addConfidenceBand(0.95, 0x806666ff);
// Add a 95% confidence band (prediction band) for the points
trendLayer->addPredictionBand(0.95, 0x8066ff66);
// Tool tip for the trend layer
trendLayer->setHTMLImageMap("", "",
"title='<*cdml*>Trend Line: y = {slope|P4} x + {intercept|P4}'");
// Add a legend box at (60, 35) (top of the chart) with horizontal layout. Use 10 pts Arial Bold
// Italic font. Set the background and border color to Transparent and use line style legend
// icons.
LegendBox *legendBox = c->addLegend(60, 35, false, "Arial Bold Italic", 9);
// Add entries to the legend box
legendBox->addKey("95% Line Confidence", 0x806666ff);
legendBox->addKey("95% Point Confidence", 0x8066ff66);
std::ostringstream trendLegend;
trendLegend << "Trend Line: y = " << c->formatValue(trendLayer->getSlope(), "{value|4}") << " x";
trendLegend << " + " << c->formatValue(trendLayer->getIntercept(), "{value|4}");
legendBox->addKey(trendLegend.str().c_str(), 0xcc0000, 3);
// Set the chart image to the QChartViewer
// Include tool tip for the chart
// Draw track cursor when mouse is moving over plotarea
void CrossHair::onMouseMovePlotArea(QMouseEvent *)
crosshair((XYChart *)m_ChartViewer->getChart(), m_ChartViewer->getPlotAreaMouseX(),
// Hide the track cursor when the mouse leaves the plot area
// Draw cross hair cursor with axis labels
void CrossHair::crosshair(XYChart *c, int mouseX, int mouseY)
// Clear the current dynamic layer and get the DrawArea object to draw on it.
DrawArea *d = c->initDynamicLayer();
// The plot area object
PlotArea *plotArea = c->getPlotArea();
// Draw a vertical line and a horizontal line as the cross hair
d->vline(plotArea->getTopY(), plotArea->getBottomY(), mouseX, d->dashLineColor(0x000000, 0x0101));
d->hline(plotArea->getLeftX(), plotArea->getRightX(), mouseY, d->dashLineColor(0x000000, 0x0101));
// Draw y-axis label
std::ostringstream ylabel;
ylabel << "<*block,bgColor=FFFFDD,margin=3,edgeColor=000000*>" << c->formatValue(c->getYValue(
mouseY, c->yAxis()), "{value|P4}") << "<*/*>";
TTFText *t = d->text(ylabel.str().c_str(), "Arial Bold", 8);
t->draw(plotArea->getLeftX() - 5, mouseY, 0x000000, Chart::Right);
// Draw x-axis label
std::ostringstream xlabel;
xlabel << "<*block,bgColor=FFFFDD,margin=3,edgeColor=000000*>" << c->formatValue(c->getXValue(
mouseX), "{value|P4}") << "<*/*>";
t = d->text(xlabel.str().c_str(), "Arial Bold", 8);
t->draw(mouseX, plotArea->getBottomY() + 5, 0x000000, Chart::Top);
[QML/Qt Quick version] qmldemo/crosshair.qml
import QtQuick
import QtQuick.Window
import QtQuick.Controls
import advsofteng.com 1.0
Window {
title: "Track Line with Axis Labels"
visible: true
modality: Qt.ApplicationModal
width: viewer.width
minimumWidth: viewer.width
maximumWidth: viewer.width
height: viewer.height
minimumHeight: viewer.height
maximumHeight: viewer.height
// The backend implementation of this demo.
CrossHairDemo { id: demo }
QmlChartViewer {
id: viewer
Component.onCompleted: demo.drawChart(this)
// Update track cursor on mouse move
onMouseMovePlotArea: demo.drawTrackCursor(this, chartMouseX, chartMouseY)
[QML/Qt Quick version] qmldemo/crosshair.cpp
#include "crosshair.h"
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
CrossHair::CrossHair(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent)
m_currentChart = 0;
delete m_currentChart;
// Draw the chart and display it in the given viewer
void CrossHair::drawChart(QmlChartViewer *viewer)
// The XY data of the first data series
double dataX[] = {50, 55, 37, 24, 42, 49, 63, 72, 83, 59};
double dataY[] = {3.6, 2.8, 2.5, 2.3, 3.8, 3.0, 3.8, 5.0, 6.0, 3.3};
int noOfPoints = (int)(sizeof(dataX) / sizeof(*dataX));
// Create a XYChart object of size 520 x 490 pixels
XYChart *c = new XYChart(520, 490);
// Set the plotarea at (60, 40) and of size 450 x 400 pixels, with white background and a light
// grey border (0xc0c0c0). Turn on both horizontal and vertical grid lines with light grey color
// (0xc0c0c0)
c->setPlotArea(60, 40, 450, 400, 0xffffff, -1, 0xc0c0c0, 0xc0c0c0, -1);
// Add a title to the chart using 18 point Times Bold Itatic font.
c->addTitle(" Chemical X Thermal Conductivity", "Times New Roman Bold Italic", 18);
// Add titles to the axes using 12 pts Arial Bold Italic font
c->yAxis()->setTitle("Thermal Conductivity (W/K)", "Arial Bold Italic", 12);
c->xAxis()->setTitle("Concentration (g/liter)", "Arial Bold Italic", 12);
// Set the axes line width to 3 pixels
// Add a scatter layer using (dataX, dataY)
ScatterLayer *scatterLayer = c->addScatterLayer(DoubleArray(dataX, noOfPoints),
DoubleArray(dataY, noOfPoints), "", Chart::GlassSphereShape, 13, 0xcc0000);
// Tooltip for the scatter layer
scatterLayer->setHTMLImageMap("", "",
"title='<*cdml*>Concentration: {x} g/liter<*br*>Conductivity: {value} W/K'");
// Add a trend line layer for (dataX, dataY)
TrendLayer *trendLayer = c->addTrendLayer(DoubleArray(dataX, noOfPoints),
DoubleArray(dataY, noOfPoints), 0xcc0000);
// Set the line width to 3 pixels
// Add a 95% confidence band for the line
trendLayer->addConfidenceBand(0.95, 0x806666ff);
// Add a 95% confidence band (prediction band) for the points
trendLayer->addPredictionBand(0.95, 0x8066ff66);
// Tool tip for the trend layer
trendLayer->setHTMLImageMap("", "",
"title='<*cdml*>Trend Line: y = {slope|P4} x + {intercept|P4}'");
// Add a legend box at (60, 35) (top of the chart) with horizontal layout. Use 10 pts Arial Bold
// Italic font. Set the background and border color to Transparent and use line style legend
// icons.
LegendBox *legendBox = c->addLegend(60, 35, false, "Arial Bold Italic", 9);
// Add entries to the legend box
legendBox->addKey("95% Line Confidence", 0x806666ff);
legendBox->addKey("95% Point Confidence", 0x8066ff66);
std::ostringstream trendLegend;
trendLegend << "Trend Line: y = " << c->formatValue(trendLayer->getSlope(), "{value|4}") << " x";
trendLegend << " + " << c->formatValue(trendLayer->getIntercept(), "{value|4}");
legendBox->addKey(trendLegend.str().c_str(), 0xcc0000, 3);
// Set the chart image to the QChartViewer
viewer->setChart(m_currentChart = c);
// Include tool tip for the chart
// Draw track cursor when mouse is moving over plotarea
void CrossHair::drawTrackCursor(QmlChartViewer *viewer, int chartX, int chartY)
crosshair((XYChart *)viewer->getChart(), chartX, chartY);
// Hide the track cursor when the mouse leaves the plot area
// Draw cross hair cursor with axis labels
void CrossHair::crosshair(XYChart *c, int mouseX, int mouseY)
// Clear the current dynamic layer and get the DrawArea object to draw on it.
DrawArea *d = c->initDynamicLayer();
// The plot area object
PlotArea *plotArea = c->getPlotArea();
// Draw a vertical line and a horizontal line as the cross hair
d->vline(plotArea->getTopY(), plotArea->getBottomY(), mouseX, d->dashLineColor(0x000000, 0x0101));
d->hline(plotArea->getLeftX(), plotArea->getRightX(), mouseY, d->dashLineColor(0x000000, 0x0101));
// Draw y-axis label
std::ostringstream ylabel;
ylabel << "<*block,bgColor=FFFFDD,margin=3,edgeColor=000000*>" << c->formatValue(c->getYValue(
mouseY, c->yAxis()), "{value|P4}") << "<*/*>";
TTFText *t = d->text(ylabel.str().c_str(), "Arial Bold", 8);
t->draw(plotArea->getLeftX() - 5, mouseY, 0x000000, Chart::Right);
// Draw x-axis label
std::ostringstream xlabel;
xlabel << "<*block,bgColor=FFFFDD,margin=3,edgeColor=000000*>" << c->formatValue(c->getXValue(
mouseX), "{value|P4}") << "<*/*>";
t = d->text(xlabel.str().c_str(), "Arial Bold", 8);
t->draw(mouseX, plotArea->getBottomY() + 5, 0x000000, Chart::Top);
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