[MFC version] mfcdemo/ContourCrossSectionDlg.cpp
// CContourCrossSectionDlg.cpp : implementation file
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "mfcdemo.h"
#include "ContourCrossSectionDlg.h"
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <assert.h>
#ifdef _DEBUG
#define new DEBUG_NEW
// Constructor
CContourCrossSectionDlg::CContourCrossSectionDlg(CWnd* pParent)
m_ContourLayer = 0;
m_crossHairX = 0;
m_crossHairY = 0;
m_isDragging = Drag_None;
m_dragOffset = 0;
// Destructor
delete m_ChartViewer.getChart();
delete m_CrossSectionViewerX.getChart();
delete m_CrossSectionViewerY.getChart();
void CContourCrossSectionDlg::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_ChartViewer, m_ChartViewer);
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CrossSectionViewerX, m_CrossSectionViewerX);
DDX_Control(pDX, IDC_CrossSectionViewerY, m_CrossSectionViewerY);
BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(CContourCrossSectionDlg, CDialogEx)
ON_CONTROL(CVN_MouseMoveChart, IDC_ChartViewer, OnMouseMoveChart)
// Initialization
BOOL CContourCrossSectionDlg::OnInitDialog()
return TRUE;
// Draw the chart
void CContourCrossSectionDlg::drawChart(CChartViewer* viewer)
// The x and y coordinates of the grid
double dataX[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
const int dataX_len = (int)(sizeof(dataX) / sizeof(*dataX));
double dataY[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
const int dataY_len = (int)(sizeof(dataX) / sizeof(*dataX));
std::vector<double> dataZ(dataX_len * dataY_len);
// Pseudo-random data for he z-coordinates
double pi = acos(-1);
for (int iY = 0; iY < dataY_len; ++iY)
double y = dataY[iY];
double ay = 11 * cos(iY * pi * 2 / (dataY_len - 1) + 1.1673);
for (int iX = 0; iX < dataX_len; ++iX)
double x = dataX[iX];
double ax = 11 * cos(iX * pi * 2 / (dataX_len - 1) + 0.8629);
dataZ[iY * dataX_len + iX] = 20 + ((ax + 0.43) * sin(y) + (ay + 0.9166) * sin(x)
+ 0.0998) * sin((1 + fabs(x) / 10.0) * (1 + fabs(y) / 10.0) * 0.6667);
// Create a XYChart object of size 575 x 525 pixels
XYChart* c = new XYChart(575, 525);
// Set the plotarea at (75, 40) and of size 450 x 450 pixels. Use semi-transparent black
// (af000000) dotted lines for both horizontal and vertical grid lines
PlotArea* p = c->setPlotArea(75, 30, 450, 450, -1, -1, -1, c->dashLineColor((int)0xaf000000,
Chart::DotLine), -1);
// Set the chart and axis titles
c->addTitle(" <*block,bgcolor=FFFF00*> *** Drag Crosshair to Move Cross Section *** <*/*>",
"Arial Bold", 15);
c->xAxis()->setTitle("X-Axis Title Place Holder", "Arial Bold Italic", 10);
c->yAxis()->setTitle("Y-Axis Title Place Holder", "Arial Bold Italic", 10);
// Put the y-axis on the right side of the chart
// Set x-axis and y-axis labels to use 10pt Arial font
c->xAxis()->setLabelStyle("Arial", 10);
c->yAxis()->setLabelStyle("Arial", 10);
// When auto-scaling, use tick spacing of 40 pixels as a guideline
// Add a contour layer using the given data
m_ContourLayer = c->addContourLayer(DoubleArray(dataX, dataX_len),
DoubleArray(dataY, dataY_len), DoubleArray(&dataZ[0], (int)dataZ.size()));
// Enable contour label using 10pt Arial Bold font
m_ContourLayer->setContourLabelFormat("<*font=Arial Bold,size=10*>{value}<*/font*>");
// Move the grid lines in front of the contour layer
// Add a vertical color axis (the legend) at x = 0 at the same y-position as the plot area.
ColorAxis* cAxis = m_ContourLayer->setColorAxis(0, p->getTopY(), Chart::TopLeft,
p->getHeight(), Chart::Right);
// Use continuous gradient coloring (as opposed to step colors)
// Add a title to the color axis using 10pt Arial Bold Italic font
cAxis->setTitle("Color Legend Title Place Holder", "Arial Bold Italic", 10);
// Set color axis labels to use 10pt Arial font
cAxis->setLabelStyle("Arial", 10);
// Set the chart image to the WinChartViewer
// Tooltip for the contour chart
viewer->setImageMap(c->getHTMLImageMap("", "",
"title='<*cdml*><*font=Arial Bold*>X={x|2}\nY={y|2}\nZ={z|2}'"));
// Initializse the crosshair position to the center of the chart
m_crossHairX = p->getLeftX() + p->getWidth() / 2;
m_crossHairY = p->getTopY() + p->getHeight() / 2;
// Draw the cross section and crosshair
// Draw the X cross section
void CContourCrossSectionDlg::drawCrossSectionX(CChartViewer* viewer)
// Get data of the vertical cross section data at the given x coordinate
XYChart* mainChart = (XYChart*)m_ChartViewer.getChart();
PlotArea* p = mainChart->getPlotArea();
DoubleArray z = m_ContourLayer->getCrossSection(m_crossHairX, p->getBottomY(), m_crossHairX,
// Create XYChat of the same height as the main chart. Align the plot area with that of the
// main chart.
XYChart* c = new XYChart(100, mainChart->getHeight());
c->setPlotArea(10, p->getTopY(), c->getWidth() - 22, p->getHeight(), -1, -1, -1,
c->dashLineColor((int)0xaf000000, Chart::DotLine), -1);
// The vertical chart will have the x-axis vertical and y-axis horizontal. Synchroinze the
// vertical axis (x-axis) with the y-axis of the main chart. Synchroinze the horizontal
// axis (y-axis) with the color axis.
// The vertical axis (x-axis) does not need labels as it is aligned with the main chart y-axis.
c->xAxis()->setLabelStyle("normal", 8, Chart::Transparent);
// Rotate the horizontal axis (y-axis) labels by 270 degrees
c->yAxis()->setLabelStyle("normal", 8, Chart::TextColor, 270);
// Add an area layer using the cross section data and the color scale of the color axis.
int scaleColor = c->yScaleColor(m_ContourLayer->colorAxis()->getColorScale());
AreaLayer* layer = c->addAreaLayer(z, scaleColor);
layer->setXData(mainChart->getYValue(p->getBottomY()), mainChart->getYValue(p->getTopY()));
// Display the chart
delete viewer->getChart();
// Draw the Y cross section
void CContourCrossSectionDlg::drawCrossSectionY(CChartViewer* viewer)
// Get the vertical horizontal section data at the given y coordinate
XYChart* mainChart = (XYChart*)m_ChartViewer.getChart();
PlotArea* p = mainChart->getPlotArea();
DoubleArray z = m_ContourLayer->getCrossSection(p->getLeftX(), m_crossHairY, p->getRightX(),
// Create XYChat of the same width as the main chart. Align the plot area with that of the
// main chart.
XYChart* c = new XYChart(mainChart->getWidth(), 100);
c->setPlotArea(p->getLeftX(), 10, p->getWidth(), c->getHeight() - 22, -1, -1, -1,
c->dashLineColor((int)0xaf000000, Chart::DotLine), -1);
// Synchroinze the x-axis with the x-axis of the main chart. Synchroinze the y-axis with the
// color axis.
// The x-axis does not need labels as it is aligned with the main chart x-axis.
c->xAxis()->setLabelStyle("normal", 8, Chart::Transparent);
// Add an area layer using the cross section data and the color scale of the color axis.
int scaleColor = c->yScaleColor(m_ContourLayer->colorAxis()->getColorScale());
AreaLayer* layer = c->addAreaLayer(z, scaleColor);
layer->setXData(mainChart->getXValue(p->getLeftX()), mainChart->getXValue(p->getRightX()));
// Display the chart
delete viewer->getChart();
// Draw the crosshair, which is just two straight lines
void CContourCrossSectionDlg::drawCrossHair(CChartViewer* viewer)
// Get the chart to draw the crosshair on.
XYChart* c = (XYChart*)viewer->getChart();
// The crosshair will be drawn on the dynamic layer of the chart.
DrawArea* d = c->initDynamicLayer();
// Add two lines across the plot area of the chart
PlotArea* p = c->getPlotArea();
d->line(m_crossHairX, p->getTopY(), m_crossHairX, p->getBottomY(), 0x000000, 2);
d->line(p->getLeftX(), m_crossHairY, p->getRightX(), m_crossHairY, 0x000000, 2);
// Update the display
// Handle mouse dragging of the crosshair
void CContourCrossSectionDlg::OnMouseMoveChart()
CChartViewer* viewer = &m_ChartViewer;
int mouseX = viewer->getChartMouseX();
int mouseY = viewer->getChartMouseY();
if ((GetKeyState(VK_LBUTTON) & 0x100) != 0)
// If the mouse is near the crosshair while the mouse button is pressed, then it is drag
// dragging the crosshair and we need to update the contour projection.
if ((m_isDragging == Drag_Vertical) && (m_crossHairX != mouseX - m_dragOffset))
// Is dragging the vertical crosshair line
m_crossHairX = viewer->getPlotAreaMouseX();
if ((m_isDragging == Drag_Horizontal) && (m_crossHairY != mouseY - m_dragOffset))
// Is dragging the horizontal crosshair line
m_crossHairY = viewer->getPlotAreaMouseY();
// If mouse is near the crosshair, it can drag it by pressing the mouse button.
if (abs(m_dragOffset = mouseX - m_crossHairX) <= 8)
m_isDragging = Drag_Vertical; // Mouse is a position to drag the vertical line
else if (abs(m_dragOffset = mouseY - m_crossHairY) <= 8)
m_isDragging = Drag_Horizontal; // Mouse is a position to drag the horizontal line
m_isDragging = Drag_None;
[Qt Widgets version] qtdemo/contourcrosssection.cpp
#include <math.h>
#include <QLabel>
#include <QCheckBox>
#include <QMouseEvent>
#include "contourcrosssection.h"
#include "chartdir.h"
// Constructor
ContourCrossSection::ContourCrossSection(QWidget *parent) :
// Set up the GUI
setFixedSize(700, 650);
setWindowTitle("Contour Cross Section");
// Main Chart Viewer
m_ChartViewer = new QChartViewer(this);
m_ChartViewer->setGeometry(15, 15, 575, 525);
connect(m_ChartViewer, SIGNAL(mouseMove(QMouseEvent *)), SLOT(onMouseMovePlotArea(QMouseEvent *)));
// Chart Viewer for X Cross Section
m_CrossSectionViewerX = new QChartViewer(this);
m_CrossSectionViewerX->setGeometry(595, 15, 100, 525);
// Chart Viewer for Y Cross Section
m_CrossSectionViewerY = new QChartViewer(this);
m_CrossSectionViewerY->setGeometry(15, 540, 570, 100);
m_ContourLayer = 0;
m_xTrackPosition = 0;
m_yTrackPosition = 0;
m_isDragging = Drag_None;
m_dragOffset = 0;
// Draw the Chart
// Destructor
delete m_ChartViewer->getChart();
delete m_CrossSectionViewerX->getChart();
delete m_CrossSectionViewerY->getChart();
// Draw chart
void ContourCrossSection::drawChart(QChartViewer *viewer)
// The random data used in this example
double dataX[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
const int dataX_len = (int)(sizeof(dataX) / sizeof(*dataX));
double dataY[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 };
const int dataY_len = (int)(sizeof(dataX) / sizeof(*dataX));
std::vector<double> dataZ(dataX_len * dataY_len);
double pi = acos(-1);
for (int iY = 0; iY < dataY_len; ++iY)
double y = dataY[iY];
double ay = 11 * cos(iY * pi * 2 / (dataY_len - 1) + 1.1673);
for (int iX = 0; iX < dataX_len; ++iX)
double x = dataX[iX];
double ax = 11 * cos(iX * pi * 2 / (dataX_len - 1) + 0.8629);
dataZ[iY * dataX_len + iX] = 20 + ((ax + 0.43) * sin(y) + (ay + 0.9166) * sin(x)
+ 0.0998) * sin((1 + fabs(x) / 10.0) * (1 + fabs(y) / 10.0) * 0.6667);
// Create a XYChart object of size 575 x 525 pixels
XYChart* c = new XYChart(575, 525);
// Set the plotarea at (75, 40) and of size 400 x 400 pixels. Use semi-transparent black
// (80000000) dotted lines for both horizontal and vertical grid lines
PlotArea* p = c->setPlotArea(75, 30, 450, 450, -1, -1, -1, c->dashLineColor((int)0xaf000000,
Chart::DotLine), -1);
// Set the chart and axis titles
c->addTitle(" <*block,bgcolor=FFFF00*> *** Drag Crosshair to Move Cross Section *** <*/*>",
"Arial Bold", 15);
c->xAxis()->setTitle("X-Axis Title Place Holder", "Arial Bold Italic", 10);
c->yAxis()->setTitle("Y-Axis Title Place Holder", "Arial Bold Italic", 10);
// In this example, we put the y-axis on the right side of the chart
// Set x-axis and y-axis labels to use 10pt Arial font
c->xAxis()->setLabelStyle("Arial", 10);
c->yAxis()->setLabelStyle("Arial", 10);
// When auto-scaling, use tick spacing of 40 pixels as a guideline
// Add a contour layer using the given data
m_ContourLayer = c->addContourLayer(DoubleArray(dataX, dataX_len),
DoubleArray(dataY, dataY_len), DoubleArray(&dataZ[0], (int)dataZ.size()));
// Enable contour label using 10pt Arial Bold font
m_ContourLayer->setContourLabelFormat("<*font=Arial Bold,size=10*>{value}<*/font*>");
// Move the grid lines in front of the contour layer
// Add a vertical color axis (the legend) at x = 0 at the same y-position as the plot area.
ColorAxis* cAxis = m_ContourLayer->setColorAxis(0, p->getTopY(), Chart::TopLeft,
p->getHeight(), Chart::Right);
// Use continuous gradient coloring (as opposed to step colors)
// Add a title to the color axis using 12 points Arial Bold Italic font
cAxis->setTitle("Color Legend Title Place Holder", "Arial Bold Italic", 10);
// Set color axis labels to use Arial Bold font
cAxis->setLabelStyle("Arial", 10);
// Set the chart image to the WinChartViewer
// Tooltip for the contour chart
viewer->setImageMap(c->getHTMLImageMap("", "",
"title='<*cdml*><*font=Arial Bold*>X={x|2}\nY={y|2}\nZ={z|2}'"));
// Draw the cross section
drawCrossSectionX(m_xTrackPosition = (p->getLeftX() + p->getRightX()) / 2);
drawCrossSectionY(m_yTrackPosition = (p->getTopY() + p->getBottomY()) / 2);
// Draw the X cross section
void ContourCrossSection::drawCrossSectionX(int x)
XYChart* c = (XYChart*)m_ChartViewer->getChart();
drawCrossSectionX(m_CrossSectionViewerX, (XYChart*)m_ChartViewer->getChart(), m_ContourLayer, x);
void ContourCrossSection::drawCrossSectionX(QChartViewer* viewer, XYChart* mainChart,
ContourLayer* contourLayer, int x)
// Get the vertical cross section data at the given x coordinate
PlotArea* p = mainChart->getPlotArea();
DoubleArray z = contourLayer->getCrossSection(x, p->getBottomY(), x, p->getTopY());
// Create XYChat of the same height as the main chart. Align the plot area with that of the
// main chart.
XYChart* c = new XYChart(100, mainChart->getHeight());
c->setPlotArea(10, p->getTopY(), c->getWidth() - 22, p->getHeight(), -1, -1, -1,
c->dashLineColor((int)0xaf000000, Chart::DotLine), -1);
// The vertical chart will have the x-axis vertical and y-axis horizontal. Synchroinze the
// vertical axis (x-axis) with the y-axis of the main chart. Synchroinze the horizontal
// axis (y-axis) with the color axis.
// The vertical axis (x-axis) does not need labels as it is aligned with the main chart y-axis.
c->xAxis()->setLabelStyle("normal", 8, Chart::Transparent);
// Rotate the horizontal axis (y-axis) labels by 270 degrees
c->yAxis()->setLabelStyle("normal", 8, Chart::TextColor, 270);
// Add an area layer using the cross section data and the color scale of the color axis.
AreaLayer* layer = c->addAreaLayer(z, c->yScaleColor(contourLayer->colorAxis()->getColorScale()));
layer->setXData(mainChart->getYValue(p->getBottomY()), mainChart->getYValue(p->getTopY()));
// Display the chart
delete viewer->getChart();
// Draw the Y cross section
void ContourCrossSection::drawCrossSectionY(int y)
drawCrossSectionY(m_CrossSectionViewerY, (XYChart*)m_ChartViewer->getChart(), m_ContourLayer, y);
void ContourCrossSection::drawCrossSectionY(QChartViewer* viewer, XYChart* mainChart,
ContourLayer* contourLayer, int y)
// Get the vertical horizontal section data at the given y coordinate
PlotArea* p = mainChart->getPlotArea();
DoubleArray z = contourLayer->getCrossSection(p->getLeftX(), y, p->getRightX(), y);
// Create XYChat of the same width as the main chart. Align the plot area with that of the
// main chart.
XYChart* c = new XYChart(mainChart->getWidth(), 100);
c->setPlotArea(p->getLeftX(), 10, p->getWidth(), c->getHeight() - 22, -1, -1, -1,
c->dashLineColor((int)0xaf000000, Chart::DotLine), -1);
// Synchroinze the x-axis with the x-axis of the main chart. Synchroinze the y-axis with the
// color axis.
// The x-axis does not need labels as it is aligned with the main chart x-axis.
c->xAxis()->setLabelStyle("normal", 8, Chart::Transparent);
AreaLayer* layer = c->addAreaLayer(z, c->yScaleColor(contourLayer->colorAxis()->getColorScale()));
layer->setXData(mainChart->getXValue(p->getLeftX()), mainChart->getXValue(p->getRightX()));
// Display the chart
delete viewer->getChart();
// Draw the crosshair, which is just two straight lines
void ContourCrossSection::drawCrossHair(QChartViewer* viewer)
// Get the chart to draw the crosshair on.
XYChart* c = (XYChart*)viewer->getChart();
// The crosshair will be drawn on the dynamic layer of the chart.
DrawArea* d = c->initDynamicLayer();
// Add two lines across the plot area of the chart
PlotArea* p = c->getPlotArea();
d->line(m_xTrackPosition, p->getTopY(), m_xTrackPosition, p->getBottomY(), 0x000000, 2);
d->line(p->getLeftX(), m_yTrackPosition, p->getRightX(), m_yTrackPosition, 0x000000, 2);
// Update the display
// Handle mouse dragging of the crosshair
void ContourCrossSection::onMouseMovePlotArea(QMouseEvent *event)
QChartViewer* viewer = m_ChartViewer;
XYChart* c = (XYChart*)viewer->getChart();
PlotArea* p = c->getPlotArea();
int mouseX = viewer->getChartMouseX();
int mouseY = viewer->getChartMouseY();
// Drag occurs if mouse is moving and mouse button is down
if (event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton)
// If the mouse is near the crosshair while the mouse button is pressed, then it is drag
// dragging the crosshair and we need to update the contour projection.
if ((m_isDragging == Drag_Vertical) && (m_xTrackPosition != mouseX - m_dragOffset))
// Is dragging the vertical crosshair line
m_xTrackPosition = (std::max)(p->getLeftX(), (std::min)(p->getRightX(), mouseX - m_dragOffset));
if ((m_isDragging == Drag_Horizontal) && (m_yTrackPosition != mouseY - m_dragOffset))
// Is dragging the horizontal crosshair line
m_yTrackPosition = (std::max)(p->getTopY(), (std::min)(p->getBottomY(), mouseY - m_dragOffset));
// If mouse is near the crosshair, it can drag it by pressing the mouse button.
if (abs(m_dragOffset = mouseX - m_xTrackPosition) <= 8)
m_isDragging = Drag_Vertical; // Mouse is a position to drag the vertical line
else if (abs(m_dragOffset = mouseY - m_yTrackPosition) <= 8)
m_isDragging = Drag_Horizontal; // Mouse is a position to drag the horizontal line
m_isDragging = Drag_None;
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